The owner of the liverpool speaks on the sale of luis suárez

The owner of the Liverpool speaks on the sale of Luis Suárez

The owner of the Liverpool speaks on the sale of Luis Suárez

Published:25/07/2014 - 16:15h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The owner of the Liverpool, John Henry, has spoken on the traspaso of Luis Suárez to the FC Barcelona and has ensured that it was the moment so much for the team "network" as for the Uruguayan forward to separate his ways. It stands out a mutual contribution

In a brief interview conceded to the newspaper "The Sun", John Henry has spoken between a lot of other subjects related with the Liverpool of the sale of Luis Suárez to the FC Barcelona in return of more than 80 million euros, that has supposed the traspaso more expensive of the summer up to now and one of the costliest of the history of the football although the Uruguayan forward is sanctioned and will not be able to play until finals of October, waiting for what dictate the resolution of the TAS. "I think that it was the moment that Luis Suárez and the club gave a break. He has contributed enormously to the Liverpool and think that the club also has contributed in him".

The maximum mandator of the conjoint "network", besides, has expressed his illusion by the fact that the club of Anfield Road have returned after so many years to the Champions League, competition in which it is one of the teams more laureados of the history. Also it has highlighted the importance to renew in depth the staff "network" of face to the big quantity of parties that will have to contest the team the next season between Carling Cup, Premier League, FA Cup and Champions League.

The sanction of Luis Suárez could reduce

The TAS has accepted definitively transact the resource presented by Luis Suárez to counter or at least delay the effects of the sanction imposed by the FIFA, that forbids him train with the rest of his mates and will prevent him debut with the T-shirt of the FC Barcelona until finals of October. From now, the resolution of the organism will do effective between the next 11 and 12 August and will be then when it know if the Uruguayan forward can advance his comeback on the terrains of game. 

It does some weeks, the Committee of Appeal refused the resource presented by the footballer in collaboration with the cabinet of lawyers of the FC Barcelona and the federation of Uruguay, by what the player and the Barcelona club decided to attend to the TAS to try recess or cancel part of the effects of the sanction. When it know the future of Luis Suárez, that already will have exhausted his last road, so much he like Luis Enrique will be able to schedule better the season and the preparation of the player so that it was smart of face to his official debut with the T-shirt of the Barça.

Carlos Domínguez
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