Memphis Depay celebrates his goal in the friendly against Manchester City


The players that Barça will try to sell in January

Published:21/11/2022 - 23:46h

Updated:22/11/2022 - 07:42h

It is not a secret for anyone that FC Barcelona must do the work before thinking about going out on the winter transfer market. The culés need to generate financial 'fair play'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has decided, from does time, that will go out to the market of wintry signings. In spite of the big reinforcements that arrived during the summer, from the club understand that it still is necessary achieve players for the zones of the feeblest field and will do big efforts to fulfil with the needs, although the economic situation follows without being ideal and before is necessary to work no rest to be able to generate income.

And it is that in spite of the sale of heritage, the economic crowbars and the exits in the summer (and now the one of Gerard Hammered), the Barcelona still are in a very complicated situation of face to the window of wintry transfers. To day of today, could not fichar place do not fulfil with the parameters of the financial control of LaLiga, that already has 'warned' to Joan Laporta and company that no flexibilizarán his measures regarding the 'fair play' financial.

In this sense, as it comes informing in the last days, from Can Barça are forced to reduce costs and generate income, with two clear formulas and that they can be effective if they fulfil : achieve the discount salarial of several footballers and, besides, sell to others. This last is, probably, the most complicated section, especially in a month of January in which it will be complicated that they produce important movements.

In any case, already is forming an idea of who could be the protagonists of the operation gone out of the Barça, although it still is very soon and there is a World-wide of by half that it can be key to take out a lot of conclusions. In principle, right now there are two names that are in the ramp of exit: Memphis Depay and Héctor Bellerín, players with which does not explain Xavi Hernández at all.

In the case of the Dutch, the injuries and big competition in the forward have not allowed him have regularity in the team and will be little likely that have it when it return of his commitments with Low Countries. Achieve a place in the attack of the Barça 'goes out expensive' and already seem to be all the squares ensured, without space for Memphis. His exert in Qatar can be key to achieve him a new team, but tamnbién that recess his pretences.

With Héctor Bellerín the history is distinct and it will be necessary to see if has good descenlace, put a recent information of 'MARK' aimed that the player does not have intentions to go out of the Barça although would have the interest of the Rome of José Mourinho of face to the market of wintry signings. In the last hours had desvelado, in fact, that the trainer luso had communicated directly with him to transmit him the interest of the Italian picture.

Other informations desvelaban that the player formed in The Masia wanted to expect until June to leave like free agent, as it arrived, to the Real Betis. In the Barça prefer that it go out in January with a movement that leave money in the arks of the club, but know that it will be an operation more than complicated in which they will have to insist more than the account so that it arrive to good port.

Cases separate

The list of possible exits in January seems very short, more than the expected. In previous months hablablan of names like the one of Gerard Hammered, that already withdrew , Jordi Aba or Frenkie of Jong. His situations, to day of today, seem very distinct. The Dutch midfield player has tired to show that has a gap in the team (and key, more important still) and is a player that already has left clear that is not by the work to leave in the next years, although teams like Chelsea and Manchester United are attentive to his situation.

In the case of the left side, in the last weeks obtained prominence and fulfilled in his apparitions with the Barcelona picture, by what to day of today seems unlikely that look for him an exit. Besides, there are not teams that have touched his door further of the slight interest of the Inter of Milan during the summer. Finally, it is an Ez Abde (yielded in the Osasuna) by which himself would listen offers in the month of January.

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