Fabián Ruiz, during a match of Naples


The price it would cost for Barça to bring to Fabian

Published:28/09/2019 - 11:01h

Updated:28/09/2019 - 12:33h

Fabián Ruiz is one of the great goals of FC Barcelona for next season and from Italy they have already revealed their possible starting price

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the last days is going back to sound with a lot of strength the name of Fabián Ruiz like one of the aims of the FC Barcelona in the market of signings of the summer of 2020. Already it does a lot of years that from the Camp Nou follow the evolutions of the midfield player of the Naples and even tried fichar in two occasions, although all they were frustrated.

Everything aims to that in 2020 there will be a new attempt by part of the culés although, according to the informations published by The Gazzetta dello Sport, the Real Madrid also will be in the bidding, had to carry to the Andalusian. Therefore, it will not be him simple to the Barcelona club convince to the team directed by Carlo Ancelotti and to the own player.

Of the same way that the Barça, the Real Madrid is treating to rejuvenate to his staff and the centre of the field is one of the pending tasks for next summer. Luka Modric Already has 34 years and Toni Kroos fulfils the 30 next east month of January, by what will try accelerate in the research of reliefs generacionales that needs the staff under the direction of Zinedine Zidane, with special attention to Fabián.

The media appointed previously also desvela the price of exit of the Andalusian midfield player. It is necessary to remember that the Naples bought to Fabián in 2018 after paying the clause of rescission that the player had with the Real Betis, that was of 30 million euros. In this case, the price of exit in which the Italians would have priced to Fabián would be of 60 million euros.

Nevertheless, in this price it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors, as for example that the footballer can revalorizarse of here to summer or the entrance of other big teams in the bidding if finally the Naples puts him in the market. Like this the things, the price of Fabián could finish increasing depending on the posture napolitana and the intensity of the teams interested in the bidding.

Fabián, a complete midfield player

Fabián Ruiz has desborde, last pass and capacity goleadora, by what his football asociativo would fit to perfection in the FC Barcelona, that does not lose him of sight. In addition to being a very fine player technically, has a peculiarity with regard to other players of his profile futbolístico: his corpulencia. It measures 189 centimetres of height, something that gives him a value added regarding physical power refers .

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