The real madrid  entromete in the possible arrival of rakitic to the fc barcelona

The Real Madrid entromete in the possible arrival of Rakitic to the Barça

The Real Madrid entromete in the possible arrival of Rakitic to the Barça

Published:4/04/2014 - 21:57h


Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Real Madrid there would be tanteado already the surroundings of Ivan Rakitic with the aim to advance to FC Barcelona and Athletic of Madrid in a possible bidding and do with his services from this next summer. The Croatian footballer of the Seville could go out in return of 25 "kilos"

As it has published the newspaper "Sport", the Real Madrid would have the intention to do with the services of the two better players of the Seville, Ivan Rakitic (25 years) and Alberto Moreno (20 years) to reinforce with players talentosos and of level of face to the next season. The Croatian midfield player there was pactado does already several weeks a renewal with the Seville in return to recess his clause of rescission of 40 to 15 million euros, but for the time being the negotiations with the club hispalense are stagnated and from Madrid would be posing launch a conjoint offer by the two footballers.

In the another expensive of the coin find Athletic of Madrid and FC Barcelona, that until does not do many also kept alive his interest by Rakitic. In fact, the "colchoneros" would have launched a first offer valued in around 10-15 million euros, but the Croat would prefer to dress of white. Regarding the Barça, for the moment keeps to the expectation of the hypothetical signing of Ilkay Gündogan like first option for the centre of the field. If finally this did not arrive, would try to convince to the surroundings of Rakitic and negotiate a traspaso with the Seville.

In any case, does not treat of the signing more prioritario taking into account the likely return to the Barcelona club of Rafinha Alcántara, that is cuajando a brilliant season in the Celtic of Vigo. The main problem to resolve, previously to open negotiations with the Seville by Rakitic, will be the one of the recent sanction of the FIFA against the FC Barcelona. If the case resolves and the club can fichar, foresees a summer of big incorporations for the staff culé.
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