Rafinha Alcántara, training beside his mates of the FC Barcelona


The Rome can fichar to two 'transferibles' of the FC Barcelona

Published:20/11/2018 - 17:06h

Updated:21/11/2018 - 01:36h

They could give some changes in the staff of the FC Barcelona during the market of signings of winter, taking into account that it would exist some interest of the Rome in doing with two players of the Barça that, for now, are not indispensable

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has of a fully competitive staff and more dilated that in previous seasons, what prevents that some players of big talent can not have all the minutes that would wish. It is the case of Denis Suárez and Rafinha Alcántara, that up to now have explained rather little for Ernesto Valverde in what it goes of season 2018-19.

The Hispanic-Brazilian himself played of usual form during the parties in which it was not present Leo Messi, but after the comeback of the Argentinian against the Real Betis went back to remain out of the announcement. It is clear that, in spite of treating of young players, of big talent and with a promising projection, have not achieved still eclosionar until turning into indispensable.

It is thus that the FC Barcelona could opt by traspasarles as long as they arrive good offers in the market of signings of winter, and from 'Il Ran Dello Sport' ensures that the Rome would be interested in reinforcing with both players. Monchi, sportive director of the 'giallorossi', was the one who carried to Denis Suárez to the Seville before it returned to the Barça, and always has had interest also by Rafinha.

Nicola Innocenti, that exerted of intermediary during the cession of Rafinha to the Inter the past season, conceded recently some words, during the event 'Wyscout Forum' of Ámsterdam, in which no descartó to 'Sky Sports' the possible traspaso of Rafinha to the Rome. "We are speaking of a player that has exerted well in the Series To, and expect that it can go back to deleitarnos with his game in Italy. We do not close the doors of the Rome", answered the Italian agent.

Rafinha Alcántara could not remain in the Inter of Milan although that was his will. The 'nerazzurri' did not want to assume his index card. "The people said me that the Series To tactical and boring era, but loved me everything. Had a big experience there", said Rafinha Alcántara recently, what leaves to glimpse his wishes of recalar again in Italian earths.

Denis Suárez also interests to the Naples

Regarding Denis Suárez, in addition to the Rome the Naples also would walk interested in doing with his services. The FC Barcelona will not demand big quantities of money to give off of a footballer that hardly has contested ninety minutes in what it goes of season 2018-19, further of the big projection that has by in front. In January will have news on both traspasos, if it is that finally they give .

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