Frenkie DeJong calentamiento


The three 'greats' of Europe who would be willing to do something 'mad' for Frenkie de Jong

Published:9/02/2024 - 20:11h

Updated:10/02/2024 - 09:04h

In the last few hours it has emerged that Frenkie de Jong is not closing the door on the possibility of leaving FC Barcelona when the season ends and there would be three teams willing to go all out to complete his incorporation.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it occurs in each market of wintry signings (or before), Frenkie of Jong appears like an alternative to generate extraordinary income for the FC Barcelona. The Dutch keeps like one of the most pretended footballers of the staff and every year has been wrapped in rumours on a possible exit. In this opportunity, in front of the imperial need of the culés to generate at least 100 million euros in sales, will not be the exception.

The rumours have 'desatado' since the journalist Lluís Canut aimed in in 'Onze' of TV3 that the footballer did not close entirely the door to the possibility to abandon the Barcelona picture in case that it presented an offer. His agreement wins in 2026 and, although the past year produced rumours on that Deco went to try the extension of his bond, the own player gave long because it wanted to live the day in day out and not thinking in the future. Besides, in terms of Fair Play Financial, there was not (neither there is) how assume the operation.

Three teams in 'capacity' to carry to Of Jong?

The will of the footballer always has been to remain in the City Condal, but these new informations open an entirely distinct stage and, as 'SPORT', are three the teams that would be had to insist in the possible traspaso of Of Jong: Chelsea, Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester United. This last was very near to do with the services of the tulip in the summer of 2022, when the Barça put him in the market for 'square' his accounts.

In this opportunity, the Barcelona asked 85 million euros, between fixed and variables to give exit to Of Jong. They reached an agreement between clubs, but the player never gave his arm to twist because it wanted to remain in the Camp Nou. In fact, shortly after it left to glimpse that it felt betrayed by the directive of Joan Laporta when they filtered details of his agreement. "I blame to which wanted to me was, but do not have at all that see with them. And clearly they are the Barça because they are those that direct it. Anyway, I do not see them when I am in the club in my daily routine", said in this opportunity.

A folder that no 'will attack' now

The situation now is distinct, in any case. The before quoted source has signalled that right now only would be these three teams in conditions to do with the services of the midfield player, but has not effected any movement and hardly there are changes in the next months. It will be a folder that will attack in the summer, surely, already was to negotiate a possible exit or, by the contrary, the renewal until 2029 that so much looked for the Barça during the year happened for 'put' a new diferimiento of wage, as to the that accessed in 2020 under the presidency of Josep María Bartomeu.

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