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The three possible candidates to replace Xavi Hernández

Published:22/05/2024 - 21:47h

Updated:22/05/2024 - 21:47h

The FC Barcelona is posing to sack to Xavi Hernández to final of season and thus they track the market of trainers in search of a possible relief. The Barcelona have several candidates and will have to take a decision

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The alarms have begun to sound after the varapalo of the FC Barcelona in the present season. The rumours, once again, turn around the continuity of the current trainer of the team. As they aim in 'RAC1', 'Sport', 'ACE' and other so many sportive means, Xavi Hernández could not being still in the FC Barcelona the next season. Although it seemed that the decision of Joan Laporta already was practically taken and would announce after the past meeting against the Ray Vallecano, that took place the past Sunday, seems that the decision posterga to the ending of the following party.

Although some consider it unfair by the current economic situation of the team, something that even the own trainer has signalled in the last press conference, the general opinion seems to coincide in the exit of Xavi before it finalise the season in course. This futurible leaves margin for the speculation about who will be the next figure that give back the illusion to the team that in the past season attained to do with LaLiga and the Supercopa. And this is precisely of what will treat this article, of the possible names that could direct to the Barça from the exit of the current champion of the world.

Rafa Márquez, the most sounded bet around the team

It is, without place to doubts, the most sounded name in the on-line bets. For those that lack context, Márquez is an exfutbolista Mexican whose career like central defence has been marked by diverse attainments in clubs like the Atlas of Guadalajara, the Monaco of France and the FC Barcelona, where won two Leagues of Champions and four titles of Spanish League. Likewise, it participated in five Glasses of the World (2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018) with the Mexican selection, being the third player in contesting five world-wide beside Antonio Carbajal and Lothar Matthäus.

La camiseta del FC Barcelona de hace bastantes años
The T-shirt of the FC Barcelona of does quite a lot of years

Also it went captain of Mexico in four world-wide consecutive (2010, 2014 and 2018), in addition to winning the Glass FIFA Confederations 1999 and the Glass Gold 2003 and 2011 with the selection. After withdrawing , went sportive director of the Atlas in 2018-2019, although from 2020 is trainer of the filial of the FC Barcelona. The speculation on his possible arrival to the first team of the FC Barcelona like substitute of Xavi Hernández in the bench has to precisely to the support of several sectors, including to exjugadores of the Barça like the Mexican Jonathan two Saints, the one who has pronounced in favour of the technician for the first team

In fact, Márquez inherits some of the most characteristic shots of the Barcelona style, like the 4-3-3 system in phase of attack. The proposal of game of the Mexican bases in a football very propositivo, with the command of the possession like main baza in front of teams more offensive that look for to do mella in the best occasions.

Sérgio ConceiçãOr, another of the possible candidates to trainer of the next season

Another of the big figures that mention like possible head of livestock is Conceiçao, current trainer of the FC Carry. During his stage like player, the player incurred in different Spanish clubs, such as the Real Madrid, the own Barça, the Athletic of Madrid, Valencia and the Seville. To the equal that Xavi, played like midfield player and characterised by his delivery, intensity and capacity for desequilibrar in attack.

After his withdrawal like player, Sérgio Conceiçãor incursionó in the technical direction, leading to the FC Carry from the season 2017/2018, where achieved his first title of league like trainer when winning the Primeira Ties 2017-18. In the season 2019-20, achieved to carry to the club to his eighth doublet when winning the Primeira Ties 2019-20, as well as the Glass of Portugal 2019-20. This same year, Conceiçãor surpassed to Jesualdo Ferreira like third trainer more laureado of the history of the FC Carry, with 126 victories in 174 parties.

Regarding his style of direction, recognises him by his tactical approach, his capacity to motivate to his players and his skill to manage key parties. Such as it signals the half One Football, Conceiçãor looks for to achieve impose from the direct game to his couple of tips, win the second played and, therefore, the advantages that achieve to obtain each one of his players of band. It is not a style that distill at present, but seem to have him worked along all his path, as it tests his current list of winners.

Hansi Flick, the last proposal of the fans

The current German trainer has been the last proposal of some fans increasingly desencantada with the exert of Xavi. Flick Managed in the centre of the field for several groups of his country, standing out his go through the FC Bayern Munich and the Colony. In fact, in his stage like player, Flick won four Bundesligas, a Glass of Germany and a Supercopa of Germany.

La grada del Camp Nou
The terracing of the Camp Nou

It began like trainer in the inferior categories and escaló positions thanks to his understanding of the game and his approach in the development of young talents. In this sense, Flick is admired by his philosophy of offensive football, that centres in the possession of the balloon, the high pressure and the fast transition of defence to attack.

Under his direction, the Bayern Munich attained the triplete in the season 2019/2020, winning the Bundesliga, the Champions League, the Supercopa of Europe, the World-wide of Clubs, the Glass Germany and the Supercopa German. On the other hand, Flick was assistant of Joachim Löw of 2006 to 2014, winning the Glass of the World of Brazil 2014. The official web of the Bundesliga stands out his style of game avasallador, intense and lethal in the attack, a strategy that seems to have him worked from his starts. For proof, a button: the German explains at present with a tax of performance of 87,5% of triumphs in Bundesliga. Here it is at all.


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