Raheem Sterling Dani Olmo, players that Barça wants to sign


The two options that Barça manages to reinforce its forward in January

Published:4/10/2021 - 13:27h

Updated:4/10/2021 - 16:09h

Despite the fact that Barça's economic situation is very worrying, the club is analyzing the options to reinforce the squad for the winter market

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In this beginning of season, have noticed all the lacks of the FC Barcelona and the fault that does Leo Messi in the offensive. The Argentinian was a 'safe of life' and the worst enemy of the guardametas and the odd Barcelona picture his effectiveness and smell goleador. Until the moment, has not existed a player diferenciador in the forward and the consequences are being grave, to the point to complete parties without finish between the three sticks. An alarming situation and that leaves to the Barça in a delicate position.

It is true that the majority of the forwards have been lesionados in this start of season, but remains the feeling that the team is without resources. It is very complicated, because the financial situation of the club does not invite to the optimism and, in fact, will be difficult that can achieve important signings, remembering that the Barça exceeds his limit salarial and has to stick to the rule of the '1 to 4', which establishes that by each four euros freed (with sales with plusvalías or discounts salariales), the team can invest one for the registration of a player.

With all this in account, the Barça has to analyse too much his options, that are not many. 'Sportive world' has put this Monday two names on the table that the Barcelona entity handles: Raheem Sterling and Dani Elm; two operations complicated, but that the club carries time studying carefully. They will suppose an enormous economic effort, but from the offices of the Camp Nou understand that, with what there is for the moment in the staff, is not sufficient. The reinforcements are necessary.

In the concrete case of Raheem Sterling, if the Barça goes to by him, are many the pros and against. In principle, it is necessary to stand out that the player wants to go out as it was of the Manchester City because it has left to be important in the approach of Pep Guardiola. The last informations desvelan that it wants to go in January, by what it will be necessary to be very attentive. To him, on the other hand, it would like him play in the Camp Nou, that is another point for, but the situation is not so easy (or impossible?) By the economic factor.

Sterling is a player very very valued in the market. 'Transfermark' Aims that his value is of 90 millions, but could go out by much less. Even 60 'kilos' would be too much for the Barça, remembering the rule of the '1 to 4', because it also will be necessary to add his wage, that at present is of some 16 millions by season. Like this it arrive to the drop, is complicated that it can do a gap for him in the staff, because adding his price of traspaso more wage and applying the rule of LaLiga, the Barça would have to free more than 300 millions.

Which is the situation of Dani Elm?

The case of Dani Elm is simpler, economically speaking, but does not leave to be an extremely complicated operation to carry out for the culés. The Barça already tried his signing from the RB Leipzig in the summer, but the club did not want to sell it in the straight final of the market of signings. In this moment, spoke of an offer of 70 millions, but in winter would be inferior, of agreement to report them and his wage the same would be to the drop.

According to some informations, Elm ingresa 4 'kilos' by season with the German group. Taking out have them these figures and applying always the rule of the '1 to 4', the Barça would have to free 296 million euros. A figure that is too high and impossible to assume... Because it would suppose to undo of the main stars of the staff.

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