Aubameyang, celebrating a goal with the Dortmund

Already they have conversed with his representative

The United, ready to remove him to the Madrid to Aubameyang

Published:23/03/2016 - 12:37h

Updated:23/03/2016 - 12:37h

The Manchester United will put all the meat in the asador to avoid that the forward of the Borussia Dortmund Pierre Aubameyang finish fichando by the Real Madrid. The English would have initiated secret conversations with his representatives

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As it informs the British newspaper "Mirror" this Wednesday, the Manchester United goes very seriously to by the forward of the Borussia of Dortmund Pierre Aubameyang. The African forward, that flirted recently with the Real Madrid and by which Florentino Pérez asked price, is very near of recalar in Old Trafford according to the quoted newspaper.

And it is that in these informations affirms that the representatives of the attacker would have initiated already secret conversations with the Manchester United. Seemingly, Aubameyang is very of the taste of José Mourinho, that has foot and half in the English team and that it could have given already the seen well to his purchase. The English would look for to close in brief his contracting since they want to begin to outline the staff of the next campaign.

The initial offer of the British team would be, always according to "Mirror", of 75 million euros. These numbers would contrast with the one hundred "kilos" that the Germans would have asked them to Florentino and company. The forward of 26 years, by his part, prefers to keep isolated in front of any type of rumour and prefers to follow concentrated in helping to the "phosphorite" in his research to reach to the Bayern in the Bundesliga.

The attacker has signed already 35 so many in the 40 official meetings that has played this campaign, a wonderful enciphers scorer. A leading centre that the United needs like the eat, as at present it lacks a nine pure. Martial Has settled in the left band and Wayne Rooney every time is more comfortable of second tip. It is thus that this would be the perfect signing.

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