laporta xai directiva7


There are discordant voices in the Barça board regarding the continuity of Xavi

Published:2/04/2024 - 16:17h

Updated:3/04/2024 - 11:30h

Joan Laporta is the great defender of Xavi's continuity at Barça, and like him there are other managers who think the same. However, there is also a strong current that considers that the ideal would be to sign a new coach

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta and Rafa Yuste are leaving clear in each public apparition that trust to 100% in Xavi Hernández and that will do all the possible to convince him that it was still in the FC Barcelona the next season. The president and the vice-president consider that in the market there is not anybody better that he to direct to the team the course that comes and thus they go to try that replantee his decision to leave this summer.

However, the directive of the Barça is composed by a lot of people and no all have the blind faith of 'Jan' and of his second to the control with the technician of Terrassa. As 'SPORT', there is managerial that do not trust that the egarense can do a good campaign in case to remain and that think that the best for the club would be to change of trainer and bet by somebody more experienced and with a better curriculum that his.

Luckily for the míster Catalan, the mandamás of the Barcelona is Laporta and thus, although there are discordant voices on this subject, if the maximum leader barcelonista decides that it follow and he reconsiders his posture, will be able to train to the Barcelona picture in the season 2024/2025. Nevertheless, in spite of this, seems that the preparador has some doubts on how could be the climate in the entity if it followed and the things did not go all the very that expects .

Xavi no fía of the climate that could have inside the Barça

Xavi follows without having changed of opinion and right now pleads for an exit, but is not descartado for nothing that it can him convince. The problem is that the technician is advancing to the events and already is thinking in the wrap that it could have in the entity if at the end it remained and arrived a bad series of results. Although the president want him, there are other directors that no and this could result a 'work' for him. It will be necessary to see what decides finally the one of Terrassa and if it achieves to forget of this and learns to coexist with the noise that could generate .

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