Rafinha Alcántara and Denis Suárez in a training session of Celta de Vigo


Two ex of Barça made the internal war of Valencia worse

Published:12/09/2019 - 15:41h

Updated:12/09/2019 - 15:41h

Valencia lives an internal war that claimed the post of Marcelino García Toral, and Barça is involved indirectly. Denis Suárez and Rafinha Alcántara, now in Celta de Vigo, heated the atmosphere in Mestalla

Calendar of FC Barcelona

FC Barcelona and Valencia confront this Saturday in LaLiga, and the 'che' visit the Camp Nou in full internal war. Marcelino García Toral was sacked does some days and the general director Mateu Alemany is with his future in the air, since they have burst his desavenencias with Peter Lim, the owner of the club, and his right hand, the president Anil Murthy. The environment is more than taut in Mestalla.

The Barcelona form part of indirect form of this battle of powers, that initiated in the past market of signings. After reflotar the project blanquinegro and conquer the Glass of Rey -in addition to classifying to the team regularly for the Champions-, the technician and the Balearic executive pretended to step advance and apuntalar the staff with several footballers of quality, but his requests were refused.

Denis Suárez and Rafinha Alcántara were protagonists in the dispatches valencianistas, but both finish in the Celtic of Vigo. The first was traspasado by the culés and the second arrived yielded, an alternative that studied until last hour but that the owner finish denying, because no fiaba of a midfield player of the one who had warned him that had a long record of injuries.

With the one of Salceda of Caselas already in Balaídos, Marcelino was the one who confirmed that from up had vetoed his bet by the Brazilian, and left to fall his unrest by the sportive planning, that had several crashes in the last months. The Asturian explained that some of his direct competitors had reinforced well, and that it would be difficult to keep the course facing the requirement of three competitions.

You brush them continuous in the breast of the club have had consequences, and has started a period of unsteadiness that could affect to the performance of the team. The thickness of the staff has expressed his confidence and his affection to the already ex trainer, that now will be substituted by the ex seleccionador national Sub21 Albert Celades, that waiting for official presentation has signed with the entity until 30 June 2021. The wrap is served.

Denis and Rafinha bet by Valencia

Although any of the two operations finish concretising, Denis and Rafinha bet by Valencia. Both were convinced by the ilusionante path of the entity, and the Galician explained, precisely, with the support of Marcelino, with the one who already shared changing room in the Villarreal and with the one who is loved. Besides, to the of Sao Paulo seemed him an ideal destination when being near of house and have options to contest in Champions, something that has remained parked after his incorporation to the Celtic, the group in which they bred the two canteranos of the Barça.

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