Umtiti, en un partido ante la Lazio


Umtiti, from 'operation Kamikaze' to 'Messiah of Lecce'

Published:3/07/2023 - 01:02h

Updated:3/07/2023 - 01:02h

Samuel Umtiti, a defender who has come down in recent seasons, was a great success in the management of Pantaleo Corvino as sports director of Lecce. Corvino signed the Frenchman for free and he ended up being key in the permanence of the 'salentinos' in Serie A

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For any one, assume the signing of Samuel Umtiti was a true 'operation kamikaze'. The French, apart from having a very high index card, did not return to his level more esplendoroso after contesting the Glass of the World and to operate of his injury. From this fateful event gave the marked decline in his career, to the point to be cataloged almost like an exfutbolista, what motivated to that the Barcelona did without his services.

However, for Pantaleo Corvino, sportive director of the Lecce, did not go like this. More than seeing to 'Big Sam' as a problematic transaction, saw it like an authentic opportunity of market, as long as they gave some conditions. Besides, for the Barça, also lucía like an option win/win, by what were had to hear the requests of the 'salentinos' to be able to negotiate to the French defender.

Umtiti Was a 'miracle' for the saga of the Lecce

The agreement between the culés and the 'wolves' was practically a 'bargain' for the 'aurirojos', since they had to pay 0% of his signing and credit a series of bonus by parties contested. At the end, only they finished paying 700.000 euros by a player that did not exhibit physical problems and that, although it did not show the level of otrora, surrendered the sufficient as to be a pillar in the permanence of this group in the Series To.

The native of Yaundé contested 25 parties, 24 to title, roughly some 2.116 minutes, and resurgió like a bird phoenix of his ashes. The fans of the Lecce began it to see like an idol, to the point that a 'inflate' arrived to entonar the following sentence: "it Arrived south of Italy and went like a mesías for us. It is the best defence that have seen here", in allusion to the 'hype' that generated the arrival of the exjugador of the Barcelona group.

Now that Umtiti no longer forms part of the Barcelona and is well physically, is likely that was pretended by several clubs. His turn to the combined Italian luce complicated, because although in this club was happy, the 'salentinos' do not have a so high budget as to assume a signing of his category, although it was come to less. Besides, the Frenchman supposedly would be looking for a club with greater weight and leadership in the world-wide panorama.

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