Robin van Persie, regretting after an occasion failed


Van Persie, alternative of the Barça if it does not close to Vietto

Published:23/07/2016 - 09:22h

Updated:23/07/2016 - 10:01h

The leading centre of the Fenerbahçe, Robin van Persie, would be had to give the big jump to the FC Barcelona to his 32 years, when being tired to play in a lower league and with the will to abandon Turkey by the political unsteadiness

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Although it has gone of more to less during the last seasons, Robin van Persie would be loved of fichar by the FC Barcelona and could turn into a real option for the Barça of Luis Enrique in the case that it do not attain close the incorporation of Luciano Vietto, by the one who would have arrived already to an agreement with the Athletic of Madrid.

The Dutch forward starred a big past campaign being one of the maxima goleadores of the Superliga Turkish with the Fenerbahçe, but would wish to abandon Turkey by the political unsteadiness of the country, and also by the will of recalar again in a big league to shine there during the last years of his career futbolística, when having already 32 years.

The Fenerbahçe him traspasaría by 10 million euros, but his index card of 5 net millions by season throws for backwards to the Barça, that so only would include him in the staff in the case that the Dutch recessed the wage. At present Van Persie is negotiating with West Ham and Stoke City, but still has not arrived to any agreement of signing.

It wanted to come to the Barça in the market of winter, but the Barcelona him descartó when being enfrascado then in the possible repechage of Nolito, the one who finally neither finish recalando in the staff. International absolute with Holland, Van Persie knows that it is not the only option that handles the Barcelona group, but wants to land in Can Barça with all his strengths, as it informs the newspaper "Sport".

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