Robert Lewandowski during a warm up


Free way for Barça: Lewandowski's 'excuse' for not playing in England

Published:16/06/2022 - 17:36h

Updated:16/06/2022 - 17:36h

Robert Lewandowski es uno de los grandes protagonistas del mercado de fichajes estival y con el tiempo se revelan más detalles del jugador del Bayern de Múnich, quien nunca ha sido 'fan' de jugar en Inglaterra

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To Robert Lewandowski does not like him the option to play in some team of the Premier League, as it has desvelado his exagente. The footballer of 33 years does not think that could fit in the British football and has cost of this 'excuse' to refuse, during the last, the option to test luck in the English country. This summer, in front of his more than possible exit of the Bayern of Munich, does not pose -at all- this possibility.

'Lewa' Is being one of the proper names of this market of signings and his future continues in the air, although it has left clear in several occasions that his intention is to abandon the Allianz Sand to put course to the FC Barcelona. In the middle of all the rumours, his exagente Cezary Kucharski, offered some statements to the half German 'Sport1' in which desveló the reason by which the footballer has been reluctant to the idea of mudarse to some club of the Premier League.

Kucharski Commented that his decision is directly related with the rainy climate of the United Kingdom, standing out that "I think that the true reason by which Robert has not tested the English football is the fear to worsen his provision", explaining that has "fear that in this league his qualities were not so efficient", standing out that it considers like a "childish excuse" that Lewandowski do not dare to play in England by the climatic conditions.

Likewise, it has referred to the option to play in France. The Paris Saint-Germain, on request of Luis Fields, positioned like one of the teams interested in doing with his services this summer for 'complement' a forward in which they already are Kylian Mbappé, Neymar Jr and Lionel Messi. Nevertheless, the player of 33 years has left clear that the Barcelona is his only option of face to the future.

Besides, of agreement to the statements of Kucharski, there is another reason. It has stood out that the wife of the ariete Polish, Anna Stachurska, does not like him the idea to live in Paris: "To her it does not like him the city of Paris, and by this reason did not leave me negotiate with the PSG", although matizó later that "I do not know if this circumstance has changed, root to the Parisian interest by the player".

The Barça, only in the career

Everything seems to indicate to that the FC Barcelona is the only in the career by the traspaso of Lewandowski this summer. The club carries some months tanteando his incorporation and the player would be loved to work under the orders of Xavi Hernández, with the one who has spoken in several occasions to know his project in the Barcelona picture to average term. The Catalans, in definite, are expecting that the Bayern of green light to negotiate and close the agreement with 'Lewa'.

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