Amrabat v Lazio


Wink at Barça? Amrabat's enigmatic message on his social networks

Published:31/01/2023 - 18:07h

Updated:31/01/2023 - 22:20h

Sofyan Amrabat continues in 'default' in the face of the problems between FC Barcelona and Fiorentina to reach a loan agreement. The culés only want a loan; the Italians, include a purchase option

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The directive of the FC Barcelona keeps at present the contacts with his homologous of the Fiorentina in the last hours of the wintry market of signings. Both clubs, in principle, have showed in favour to arrive to an agreement to yield to Sofyan Ambrabat to the Barcelona team. However, the focus of the discord roots in the terms in which it could produce the same, by what for the moment there is not pact.

Through his account in Instagram, the international Moroccan, selection with which has made history in the past edition of the Glass of the World when turning into the first combined African in reaching the semifinals, has sent a mysterious message, that could be related with the rebellious attitude that has taken in front of the directive of the Fiorentina: "it Sees to thus already, the future no promises him to anybody".

In fact, the midfield player has not been present in the last session of training with the Italian group like a measure of pressure to the directive to accelerate the management that allow him land in the City Condal in the next hours. But the resistance of the 'Fiore' would not have seated him at all well to the player, by what expects that any of the two parts yield to close the pact.

The conflict between the parts

On the one hand, the culés want only receive him as yielded to the end of the season 2022/23, with what would go back to the 'Violate' once that it finish the course. However, the Italians want to include in the operation an option of compulsory purchase that for the moment would have been refused by the Catalan entity, all time that would reduce his options with regard to the market estival of passes to the moment to reinforce the staff.

In matter of 'fair play' financial, the group culé walks with the just and, in spite of that still desconoce the figure proposed by the team of Florencia, surely was east the factor that would be entorpeciendo the "ok" by part of the Barcelona. It subtracts to expect by new events on how would be advancing this operation, especially if both clubs find a half point to close the agreement.

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