Xavi Hernández saliendo de una rueda de prensa del Barça


Xavi's plan for next season when his departure from Barça is confirmed

Published:20/04/2024 - 18:23h

Updated:21/04/2024 - 03:45h

Everything seems to indicate that Xavi Hernández will finally finish, except for a great turn of events, leaving FC Barcelona on June 30. However, until now it is not clear what his next move will be after finishing his time as a culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The sportive future of Xavi Hernández to day of today keeps on being a big incógnita that, without any doubt, can generate an extensive debate. Although in this moment the only that seems more or less clear is that it will abandon to the club culé from 30 June, the reality is that many ask what will be of the professional life of the of Terrassa if it does not change his posture to leave the technical direction of the FC Barcelona at the end of the campaign 2023-24. It will board a new adventure in another bench? It will emulate to Pep Guardiola and will take a sabbatical year to rest and take a decision with more calm? All these stages are really possible.

Under this premise, as it informed 'SPORT', the míster of the Barcelonan picture in this moment only would be opened to two stages of face to the next course: the first would be to give him priority to the Barça and remain like trainer for the next season, although this option seems complicated because of the posture that has adopted the Catalan regarding his continuity like trainer of the combined of the City Condal. This posture can have been affected also by the deafening fall in the Champions League in front of Paris Saint-Germain and the option that the club finish the season without adding any trophy to his shelvings, something that has not occurred from the period 2019-20.

In this sense, the stage that seems to earn more strength, according to the source mentioned, is that Xavi take a sabbatical year, taking into account it desgastante that it can be train to a group of first level and so mediático like the FC Barcelona. The exfutbolista carries already three seasons and a total of 135 commitments like agent of the Barcelonan staff, by what would not be surprising that decide to take a deserved rest that allow him reflexionar with greater clarity on his future in the benches.

And what there is of the presumptive interest of the Ajax in fichar to Xavi?

This information arises after rumoreara that several European teams are interested in the services of the of Terrassa, being the AFC Ajax the one who sounds with more strength. It informed that the Dutch would be interested in gathering to Xavi and Jordi Cruyff to lead his necessary sportive restructuring. However, apparently still it has not established contact between the 'Ajacieden' and the míster Catalan, and does not expect that it occur in the future near. Nevertheless, it can not descartar that if the project results the sufficiently motivator for Hernández, can reconsider his posture, something that in the actuality seems little likely.

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