Yusuf Demir, in a party with the Vienna


Yusuf Demir, the 'perla' that Turkey did not know to appreciate

Published:10/07/2021 - 15:11h

Updated:10/07/2021 - 15:11h

Yusuf Demir Will arrive like yielded to the Barça B, that will have the option to purchase his index card to the Rapid of Vienna. The Turkish youngster did not know to be valued by the teams of his country, whereas Austria has received it and even has formed part of the absolute selection

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The arrival of Yusuf Demir to the filial of the FC Barcelona has not been exenta of difficulties. The Turkish had to see how in his country of origin refused it to form part of some club, something that knew to take advantage of Austria, nation that even has taken it in account for the greater selection.

In accordance with the statements of the father of the footballer, Hasan Demir, to Fanatik, the player was not valued in his nation: "Yusuf played in the juvenile teams of Austria and showed his cost. They are doing big efforts to retain it. Turkey has been the only that has not seen the potential of Yusuf, by the one who Austria and a lot of clubs of Europe are so interested".

Demir Has gone forming and accumulating minutes in the Rapid of Vienna, that even has called it to contest parties with the first team, increasing of progressive way after his arrival in the season 2019-20, until the past course, where reached the 32 official apparitions.

Expectations in the Barça B

For the father of the player, the humility has been an essential shot in his career. It has been in this way as it has grown in the Austrian football until arriving to one of the best houses forjadoras of talent in the continent: the quarry of the FC Barcelona, to where arrives to loan with option of purchase.

To his 18 years, expects that his son take the things calmly until arriving to the elite: "we Are treating to do of my son a good player of football. I want that Yusuf go up the stairs slowly and with firm steps in place to jump of once. The experiences of Emre Mor are obvious".

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