Alexis will not be able to play against Barcelona


Alexis will not be able to meet Barcelona again

Published:10/12/2019 - 08:17h

Updated:10/12/2019 - 08:17h

Alexis Sánchez was one of the great signings of Inter Milan last summer, but an ankle injury will keep him away from the pitch until 2020

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Tuesday, FC Barcelona and Inter of Milan will star an intense crash of Champions League, the last of the phase of groups. The culés already are classified of mathematical form, whereas the Italians have to take out an equal or better result that the one of the Borussia Dortmund against the Slavia of Prague in the another party of the liguilla.

Antonio Conte, trainer of the team lombardo, will have a sensitive drop for the duel: the one of Alexis Sánchez. The Chilean, during a concentration with his national selection the past month of October, suffered an important injury in the ankle that will keep him moved away of the terrains of game until 2020, by what will be impossible that the ex Barcelona reencuentre with which a day was his team.

In this way, Alexis will add to the drops of Stefano Sensi, Roberto Gagliardini and Nicolò Barella for the party against the Barça. This yes, his place in the forward will be very covered by which has converted the pair of fashionable forwards in the Italian football, formed by Romelu Lukaku and Lautaro Martínez.

The stage of Alexis in the Barcelona

Alexis Sánchez was, during three seasons, playing in the FC Barcelona and that left a flavour agridulce to the barcelonismo. The Chilean arrived like an emergent promise, pertinent of the Udinese, but did not achieve to finish to triumph in the Barcelona team. The irregularity in his game did to win critical, although it also offered brushstrokes of class.

We are speaking of one of these players that sometimes was a genius and, others, a disaster. The tocopillano so prompt could mark a golazo -especially remembered were his vaselina to Diego López in a Classical or his zurriagazo impossible without angle to the Athletic of Madrid in the Camp Nou- as it could fail clear occasions or fall when trying dribblings.

Finally, the arrival of players like Neymar or Luis Suárez finish precipitating his course to the Arsenal, where triumphed and finish being fichado by the Manchester United. In Old Trafford did not have all the continuity that had wished him, by what the past summer decided to change of airs and test luck in the Inter of Milan, in which it expects to go back to his best version when it recover .

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