These are the keys of the Juventus-Barcelona of Champions League


The three keys of the Juventus-Barça of Champions League

Published:21/11/2017 - 08:20h

Updated:22/11/2017 - 21:50h

The FC Barcelona faces this Wednesday a new proof of fire in Champions League 2017-18. The ones of Valverde only need a point to be in eighth like first of the Group D, but will go out to the Juventus Stadium to achieve the triumph

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The FC Barcelona faces this Wednesday a new proof of fire against the Juventus of Turín, a team that already deleted him of the past edition of the Champions League and that, if the Barça is not concentrated along the ninety minutes, can put in serious problems to the ones of Ernesto Valverde in a commitment that will be essential for the denouement of the classification in the Group D.

The Barça has landed in Turín with some drops of some importance, especially in the offensive device to the not being able to have Dembélé. The Juventus, by his part, will have to the big majority of his available stars but already does weeks that is not to his best level, especially regarding the defence. The 'Vecchia Signora' does not have the same fortress backwards that the past season, and this could be taken advantage of by the Barça to finish to close the pass to eighth of Champions League like first of group. These are the three keys of the party for the culés:

The imposición in the centre of the field, crucial

If it wants to dominate from the first moment to the rival, the FC Barcelona will have to desarticular the centre of the field of the Juventus of Turín and impose to base of quality and, why no, also physical. Paulinho Can be headline beside Busquets and Rakitic, although Andrés Iniesta also has a lot of ballots to have minutes in the room of machines. The pressure after loss will be key to recover balloons in the centre of the field and especially in the aledaños of the area of Buffon. The aim: not leaving that the Juventus cross the field except in contragolpes isolated.

The Juventus will tighten in the first minutes

The FC Barcelona will have to walk with eye in the first minutes of party, since the Juventus will appear encouraged by his public and will try to leave to the attack for like this intimidate to the ones of Ernesto Valverde. This was a facet that the past season the Barça of Luis Enrique suffered with grow, but along this course the ones of Valverde always have jumped concentrated to the terrain of game. The first 15 minutes will be key so that the Barça, little by little, can adueñarse of the control and of the rhythm of the commitment in the Juventus Stadium.

The Barça knows that it does not need to win

A point will be sufficient so that the FC Barcelona seal the pass to the eighth of final of Champions League like first of the Group D. And it is that the culés know that they do not need to win to go out benefited of the visit to the Juventus Stadium, but even so they wish 'avenge' of the 3-0 suffered the past season in the same stage in the gone of quarter-finals, that to the dessert supposed the Barcelona elimination of the tournament. The FC Barcelona will go out to win, but will have in his hands with the advantage to know that it can play with the result in punctual moments of the party.

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