Gerard Piqué forced to play against the PSG


SURVEY: Three months without playing and title... Tarpaulin or risk of the Barça with Piqué?

Published:16/02/2021 - 22:27h

Updated:16/02/2021 - 23:14h

The iconic defender of the Barcelona, Gerard Hammered, will debut today with the Barcelona afterwards of three months of drop by the injury suffered in November, but this is a good decision?

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The central of the Barcelona, Gerard Hammered, went back today to the field for the party of gone of the eighth of final of the Champions League that will contest against the PSG. The Spanish, suffered an injury the past 21 November in a party against the Athletic of Madrid.

Like result of the same, the footballer of 34 years suffered a sprain of degree 3 the internal lateral ligament and a partial injury of the ligament crossed previous of the right knee. However, the Spanish was summoned by the Barcelona and played like titling. In fact, the own Koeman indicated that it found recovered.

THE POLL Koeman Commits an error when summoning to Hammered?

"It is well and have good feelings on his physicist, but still have a day to decide if it goes in in the announcement" affirmed the Catalan technician in the previous press conference to the so expected duel.

The true, is that, independently of if it is a tarpaulin, a risk or an error, Hammered already reincorporó to the trainings with the team. Something that knew the past Monday. Considering his experience like player, in addition to the big number of drop of defenders in the staff, is a very important quality in commitments like which the Barcelona contests against the PSG.

In fact, for his recovery, the defender had to choose between operating knowing that if it did it was very likely that lost almost all the season, or opt by a more conservative treatment to risk that it did not recover of the everything. However, the one who was summoned, and but still title, is an indication that it attained to complete his recovery and that finds well.

Koeman Commits an error when summoning to Hammered?, it would have to expect more time to that recover ?, it would be well plant it like player of replacement? In FCBN want to know the opinion of our readers.

The hard drop of Araujo

In spite of that Hammered seems to be recovered, one of the players that no this in the referred party is the central Ronald Araujo, the one who still finds convaleciente of the injury that suffered does some days, by what the presence of Hammered, knowing that the Uruguayan still is not available could be more necessary that never to be in conditions.

The charrúa, and the one who is one of the best head offices that has the combined Catalan in his staff, did not train this Monday and went the own Koeman the one who it descartó for the party. "It is truth that has not trained because it does not arrive to the party of morning", said. In fact, since Araujo lesionó, the Barcelona has had a lot of errors in the defence during the duels that has contested with his rivals in the field.

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