The Barça defends to Leo Messi


Cutting answer of the Barça to Maradona by his criticisms to Messi

Published:16/10/2018 - 21:09h

Updated:17/10/2018 - 17:15h

Recently, Diego Armando Maradona criticised to Leo Messi by his personality and his attitude when it plays with the Argentinian selection. The FC Barcelona gave the answer to the 'Lint' through Josep Live, spokesman of the managerial board

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The words of Diego Armando Maradona criticising to Leo Messi are having reactions of a lot of near public personalities to the surroundings of the star of the FC Barcelona and even in his own country. The message of the 'Lint' has caused rejection in a lot of sectors and even the Barcelona club has answered.

It has done it through Josep Live, spokesman of the managerial board of the FC Barcelona, that has commented of subtle form but punzante the negative message that Maradona gave on the best player of the world. You live also it has expressed the unconditional support to Messi, that is considered an example in the club.

"Strike any comment on the words of Maradona on the best player of the history, think that in the tone describes in case same, we always will defend to Messi that it is a footballer that has been an example inside and out of the field", commented Live on the Barcelona star, white of the criticisms of Maradona.

The attitude of Messi is intachable

There are few things that can him reproach to Leo Messi along his career and his attitude is one of them. The Argentinian star never has heaved the voice neither has generated controversial between the press, keeping always to the margin of them through his serenity and to save the subjects of doors for inside the changing room.

Whereas other footballers do statements that avivan the fire between the press and the other media, Leo Messi limits to speak in the field with performance, goals and giving his best version. The Argentinian star dissipates critical voices to base to give practical classes of talent and class.

Maradona Criticised on Leo Messi his little capacity of leadership, but went a big error. The Argentinian star has led to the best FC Barcelona of all the history, putting the team to the back when it needed it. Even the back period to this Barça of Guardiola, the '10' culé has kept on being the best. Little it is necessary to reproach him.

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