Eric García does not have problems for remaining  without holidays after the Euro and the Olympic games


Eric García does not have problems for remaining without holidays after the Euro and the Olympic games

Published:28/07/2021 - 01:08h

Updated:28/07/2021 - 17:15h

But, in spite of the sumatoria of a lot of minutes in the last weeks, to García no them desmorona his illusion to dress of culé and step the Camp Nou already like official player of the first team blaugrana. Even, it has manifested that also it thrills him know and be one of the mates of the Argentinian star Leo Messi

Calendar of FC Barcelona

"I am had to splice the Barcelona after the Games, am to disposal of what ask me the trainer. By me there is not any problem to incorporate me immediately to the Barcelona", went the words of the Spanish defender Eric García, while it fulfils commitments with the selection that participates in the Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020. It is not secret for somebody, that the Barcelona group comandado by the Dutch trainer, Ronald Koeman, is not at all content with the announcements of the footballer recently fichado pertinent of the Manchester City and neither with the called of Pedri, due to the fact that both follow to rest after the ending of the past season and after his presence in the UEFA EURO 2020, tournament that contested until the semifinals.

But, in spite of the sumatoria of a lot of minutes in the last weeks, to García no them desmorona his illusion to dress of culé and step the Camp Nou already like official player of the first team blaugrana. Even, it has manifested that also it thrills him know and be one of the mates of the Argentinian star Leo Messi. "I know to some that were in the quarry, but, for example, have not spoken in my life with Messi, that expect that it remain and that help us in this season", said during an interview conceded to Catalonia Ràdio.

The true, is that García to the equal that Pedri, will have to splice with Barcelona once finish the commitment in Tokyo. It expected that the club gave him two free weeks after the Olympic games, as it establishes the Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE). In concrete, all the footballers have right to 14 free days like minimum in summer before incorporating with the team. Therefore, everything seemed to indicate that the one of Martorell, went to have these deserved holidays.

However, in of agreement to an information advanced recently by the newspaper 'Sport', the Barcelona entity has decided that no. It is thus, that the player has advanced and has manifested his best disposal to go in dynamics of the culés, grieve finish his international appointment; of which, is worthwhile to stand out, will arrive to the City Condal more than strengthened after a season with few minutes in the City, of the ex trainer of the FC Barcelona Pep Guardiola.

His advantage

His advantage in relation with the Canarian Pedri, is that García did not play it everything under the orders of the trainer of the absolute Spanish, Luis Enrique. Exactly, the central was to title in three meetings during the tournament and did not complete any of the three crashes that contested. Besides, as it has aimed , it comes of a season of little activity in England. With the City, in total contested 12 meetings in all the campaign between all the competitions. They were 858 minutes during the course 20/21 and five parties, with 360 minutes in 2021.

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