Sandro Rosell, in an image of archive


Sandro Rosell defends Barça's innocence in the 'Negreira case'

Published:3/10/2023 - 11:24h

Updated:3/10/2023 - 11:24h

The former president of FC Barcelona, Sandro Rosell, has spoken on the program 'Tu Diràs' on 'Rac1' about the relationship between FC Barcelona and Enríquez Negreira for almost two decades, with a payment of more than 7.5 million euros

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The focuses of attention are in the FC Barcelona after desvelara that the headline of the Court of Instruction number 1 of Barcelona, Joaquín Aguirre, has determined that exists a criminal behaviour by the payment to Negreira, that did "in attention to the charge that exerted". The Barcelona entity has been imputed by 'cohecho' and the controversy is served waiting for that they advance the investigations. Sandro Rosell, ex-president of the club, has spoken in this regard.

In an interview conceded to 'RAC1', the one who in his day was the maximum mandator of the entity barcelonista has not had funnels to the hour to speak on the relation that kept the club during almost two decades with the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee Árbitral (CTA), Enríquez Negreira. It has recognised that yes it did a series of reports, something that also employed the big clubs of Europe.

Rosell no 'save' at all

Rosell has defended the absolute innocence of the Barça. It began saying that "teníamos a such Messi, a Busquets, Alba, an Iniesta, Xavi, Pep in the bench, afterwards Tito... Say that it won by Negreira find it very beast. And say that it was a public civil servant see it very beast", insisting in that "the RFEF already said that it did not have any influence in the referees. It has accused us of murder but does not know where this the body or the killed person".

Of the same way, has insisted in that "the of bribe is fantastic because you have to be public civil servant and have finish it to twist because after the investigations have not found any party that did not win it Messi or the players and trainers, have looked for a form to accuse without need of proof. I have suffered it in other occasions. That they teach me a party where helped us the referee".

In the same order of ideas, the exmandatario Barcelona has signalled that "I can teach a lot of where did not help us. We have lost leagues in the last parties by an error recognised by the referee. By this rule of three all the referees would be public civil servants, by this rule of three all the employees of Endesa or Iberdrola would be empelados publics?".

The relation Barça-Negreira, according to Rosell

Rosell has given details on the relation of the Barça with which, in his moment, was second of the CTA: "Claro that knew who was, was him gentleman that did the referee's reports in the Barça of all the life, reports that only would be missing that it did not do , any big team in the world does referee's reports, only would be missing. It is an essential piece in the game that have to know how will act".

It has explained that "I was to the case that had a person that did reports, of the payments and the figures have me knowledgeable now when it has gone out the case. They are payments that were underneath of what approved the board, that were from 100.000 euros to the month and these were of 40.000. I do not know who signed it because it was a historical provider that happened between presidents like hundreds of providers. They say that it earned 7 millions, but by a lot of years of work. What explains is that it earned 4.000 euros by report, with this if it delivers , how bribe? With 200 euros?".