Carles Puyol, during the draw of the groups of the World-wide 2018


HEAVY PRANK: they Strike in the face to Puyol with a vibrator

Published:8/12/2017 - 12:20h

Updated:8/12/2017 - 12:23h

The ex player of the FC Barcelona, Carles Puyol, suffered an unexpected prank and of bad taste in the last days, when it attended to Russia to participate in the draw of the phase of groups of the World-wide 2018. To the Catalan happened him a vibrator by the face

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Heavy prank the one who spent him in the last days to Carles Puyol, that travelled until Russia to participate in the draw of the phase of groups of the World-wide of Russia 2018, beside other famous ex footballers like Diego Forlán and Fabio Cannavaro. The ex Catalan player suffered a prank in Moscow that has run like the gunpowder through the social networks in the last days.

As it explains the newspaper 'Sport', in base to a video that circulates through the networks, when seeming two girls approached to Carles Puyol, that was one of the protagonists of the gala of the draw that took place in the Palace of the Kremlin.

The situation passed at the beginning with full normality, in the typical scene of two fans that approach to an ex famous player to ask him a photography. The case is that the youngsters greeted in English to Puyol and, after the Catalan accessed to do a photo with them, began to say to the ex footballer of the FC Barcelona that had "a peel very beautiful" and that it was "very good-looking".

Controversial situation for Puyol

Shortly after, in the hands of one of the youngsters appeared a vibrator, at the same time that the youngster seemed to do to Puyol a sexual proposal, striking him with the object estimulador in question. Puyol, that did not expect the scene, reacted with rapidity and tried to be educated in spite of the visible grimace in his face. "No, no, goodbye", it cut while it moved away of the young.

The question is that the video has run like the gunpowder through the social networks, in what without place to doubts treated of a prank that put to proof the humour and the tolerance of Carles Puyol, in a surrealist situation that did not expect of any of the ways.

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