LaLiga officially pronounces on Barça's economic figures
Published:4/06/2022 - 13:30h
Updated:5/06/2022 - 19:30h
LaLiga has responded with a statement to the accusations by Barcelona in the face of a possible persecution against the club. From the organism they maintain that the norms have been applied with equity for all the clubs
They continue the tensions between the FC Barcelona and LaLiga. From the body chaired by Javier Thebes have warned on the problems that would have the Barcelona institution for fichar and inscribe players to few weeks to initiate the market of signings of summer. However, in spite of the called to do silence by part of the president, Joan Laporta, LaLiga has expressed his posture through a communiqué.
Likewise, LaLiga has desestimado the words of the Barcelona economic vice-president, romeu, the one who accuses to Thebes to be one of the managers by the situation that crosses at present the Barça. In the communiqué sustain that the true problem for the club arose during the seasons 2019-20 and 2020-21 as a result of the sanitary crisis and the eventual measures of confinement in front of the alarming increase in the contagions by Covid-19.
LaLiga Denies that there is one 'persecution' against the Barça
From the organism warn that only by means of "income and plusvalías" will be possible to buoy the economy of the club. In the document also sustain that the surveillance by the fulfillment of the norms in the case of the team culé has been the same that has carried out with the rest of the teams, desestimando so it exist some special reason to load against the Catalan entity.
In fact, they warn that the principle of equality does not have vulnerado, all time that these measures have applied for all the clubs without exception: "To the FC Barcelona, to the equal that any another club of LaLiga, would apply him disciplinary measures if it broke with other measures of control of LaLiga, as for example defeated debts with employees, clubs and public administrations".
The agudización of the crisis of the Barça
Likewise, they have launched some approximate figures of the losses suffered by the club in the courses affected by the sanitary crisis: "In 2020/2021 the result has seen affected significantly adding a negative impact enciphered around the 500 million euros, including deteriorations and provisions of future costs decided by the current managerial board".
Also they have explained some of the actions that has had to carry out the Barcelona to be able to fichar during the course that recently has come to an end: "In the season 2021-2022, like consequence of the situation described, the FC Barcelona only has had the possibility to make contractings of players reducing in proportion the cost of his staff".
CVC like solution
After all aimed to that the Barcelona would subscribe to the agreement with the company of main British risk CVC, there has been an important change of posture. Even so, LaLiga has urged to the club to add to this initiative: " If the Club made actions of generation of extraordinary income that allow him compensate the losses accumulated and abandoned like this the condition of club exceeded in his LCPD (Limit of Cost of the Sportive Staff), could go back to inscribe players of formal normal, independently of if these actions correspond to operations with CVC or with any another entity".
Finally, LaLiga has remembered him to the Barcelona club that the doors of LaLiga Impulse continue opened: "The FC Barcelona can incorporate to the project when it decide it, as it has reiterated in crowd of occasions, in exactly the same conditions of the rest of clubs that already form part of the same and always respecting the times of approval that require by the organs of LaLiga and/or CVC Capital".