Munir arrolla To Kroos in an action of Valencia-Real Madrid


Munir And Sandro will try to give him the League to the FC Barcelona

Published:27/04/2017 - 19:17h

Updated:27/04/2017 - 19:33h

The ex Barcelona forwards Sandro Ramírez and Munir, that militan at present in the Málaga and Valencia, will try to mark in the parties that play his respective teams against the Real Madrid for like this help to the FC Barcelona to win the League

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The ex forwards of the FC Barcelona Sandro Ramírez and Munir the Haddadi can be the best allies of the Barcelona team in this final stretch of season. His respective teams, the Málaga and Valencia, will measure in the next dates to the Real Madrid, by what will want to mark them for like this help to his ex mates. 

The Málaga of Sandro, that is in state of grace and carries 12 goals in what it goes of course, will play in The Rosaleda against the team of Zidane in the last day of League; whereas the Valency of Munir, author of 6 targets this season, will measure this next Saturday at 16.15h in Santiago Bernabéu. 

Sandro, the only that will defend the interests culés in Málaga

Sandro already has done some public statement in relation to this subject: "Ojalá can help to the team to win to the Madrid and help to the Barcelona to win the League", affirmed the attacker in an interview for the "Partidazo" of the "Chain COPE". Besides, his wish is to go back to the Barcelona sooner that late.

An affirmation that constrasta with the controversial statements that did the sheik of the Andalusian team this Wednesday, in which it called "slag" to Catalonia and that "the culés will not smell this League".

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