Ivan Rakitic and Rafinha Alcántara in a training of the FC Barcelona | FCB


The Barça encouraged to Rafinha with a message in his T-shirt: "Muita Força Rafinha"

Published:2/12/2018 - 19:01h

Updated:2/12/2018 - 19:21h

It has lived another week complicated by another injury of long length, but Rafinha Alcántara has noticed the heat of his mates of the FC Barcelona. In the duel against the Villarreal, the culés jumped to the field with a message in his T-shirts: "Muita Força Rafinha"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has not lived an easy week because it is facing a plague of injuries, but between the cases that accumulate in the City Condal, stands out the one of Rafinha Alcántara. The one of Sao Paulo 'broke' in Wanda Metropolitan and will be of drop during what remains of season, a painful way and complicated that his mates try to do him more bearable.

The enésimo physical problem of the canterano has caused an unanimous reaction of the entity, that has dumped to support to a footballer that has not abandoned his dream to triumph dressing of Barcelona. It has left it clear with his rotundity in some messages in the social networks, and his patience, integrity and motivation is being recompensada partly.

The majority of players already devoted words of affection to the midfield player in what they knew the diagnostic, and also the club started the campaign '#ForçaRafinha'. A label again in the networks that served so that the fans also offered his heat and consolation to a crack that has gone back to the starting point. The mountain of the Camp Nou is again by scalar.

And home, with Rafa in first row in the terracing, the stars culés jumped to the terrain of game against the Villarreal with a T-shirt with message. "Muita Força Rafinha", ("A lot of Strength Rafinha"), to a fighter that deserves all and each one of the hands that have tended him, and that sure that, as he same affirmed, will go back in some months with more strength that never.

The Barça tries 'survive' in spite of the injuries

In full sprint to 2019, the Barça tries to survive in his career by the titles with until seven absences by injury. Thomas Vermaelen, Sergi Samper, Sergi Roberto, Luis Suárez, Jasper Cillessen, Arthur, Samuel Umtiti and the own Rafinha have gone falling one after the other and have left to Ernesto Valverde with more than a third of his current staff (8 of 23 players), out of fight during a time.

The first answer has been to look to the filial, waiting for knowing if in this wintry market there will be signings in the City Condal. If there are not more setbacks, the patience imperará until a summer in which it could have more changes in the changing room, but seen the seen, the Catalans have to be prepared for any surprise that can find.

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