Frenkie de Jong v UNAM Pumas


Barça 'threatens' Frenkie de Jong to try to lower his salary

Published:8/08/2022 - 14:48h

Updated:8/08/2022 - 14:48h

According to 'The Athletic', the Barça board would have warned of the presence of "evidence of criminality" in De Jong's contract signed in 2020, so they ask to leave it without effect and resume the initial agreement

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The refusal of Frenkie of Jong to abandon the FC Barcelona continues bringing problems for the directive, that has to find the way to arrive to an agreement with the footballer that allow him reduce significantly the mass salarial. Recently, it has given to know that the club has requested him leave without effect the agreements to which arrived after his renewal.

Of this way, the negotiations would carry out in the previously foreseen terms with the end to attain a reduction salarial. Of Jong arrived to the Barça in 2019 pertinent of the Ajax with an agreement until 2024; for 2020, in the middle of the sanitary crisis, the club renewed him until 2026 with an adecuación of his wage to the economic context of the club.

However, as 'The Athletic', during the meetings with the midfield player made on 15 July, the managerial would have urged him to cancel this last agreement and restart the agreed bond in 2019 in front of the presence of "clear evidences of criminality". The Barça wants to exhaust all the options that can tackle from the breast of the institution not to have to resort to the justice.

In accordance with 'Sportive World', there would be any type of irregularities in the document signed under the look of the previous managerial board, for then chaired by Josep Maria Bartomeu. Even so, the current wage of Frenkie of Jong does not adjust to the new political salariales of the club in function of the economic reality that atravieas, by what the best option for both parts keeps on being his traspaso, well was to the Manchester United or to Chelsea, both willing to pay what asks the Barça.

Discount or traspaso, peaceful solutions for the 'case Of Jong'

In total, the club would perceive some 80 million euros that could facilitate the registrations of the new signings in front of LaLiga. His exit luce like an intermediate option in case of not accepting the discount salarial in the terms of the directive, a possible stage after subjecting previously to cuts and diferimientos. Of the contrary, the subject could be carried until judicial instances.

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