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Víctor Font, against Bartomeu for the barter of Arthur by Pjanic

Published:28/06/2020 - 21:00h

Updated:28/06/2020 - 21:00h

Víctor Font is going to stand for the next FC Barcelona elections in 2021 and as a candidate he closely follows the decisions made at the club. The transfer of Arthur by Pjanic has not been taken well and has charged against the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The barter that goes to do the FC Barcelona between Arthur Melo and Miralem Pjanic has caused a lot of criticisms between the fans and the surroundings of the Barça. The fans, as it showed in the survey that did in 'FCBN', is against of this operation and does not approve the exchange. An opinion that shares the one who aspires to be next president of the group barcelonista, Víctor Font.

The Catalan employer used his account of Twitter to load against the club and against the figure of Josep Maria Bartomeu by this decision that for many is inexplicable. The precandidato left clear that the sale has to so alone to reasons purely economic for saldar accounts. "This exchange that seems imminent goes back to undress the reality, and is that the state of the club is very worrisome and is it alló where does more damage: precarious economic situation and desbarajuste in the sportive project", affirmed.

Font Did not doubt in putting of full in the bad economic situation that lives the Barça from does time and how the directive has taken always the decisions in function of this problem. "Lto operation goes back to delatar that the absolute priority of the managerial is to square the account of results, owing to the guillotine of a system of guarantees very hurtful, and even more with some accounts very tensionadas from does years, a lot before the pandemia

Besides, the Catalan remembered that the course happened already occurred the same with the traspaso of Jasper Cilessen by Net Walled. "The past year were they and this year to save the neck the directive throws of the club to a young sportive bet strategic of future of does relatively little time", reported. Do this in a moment like this denotes that there is not firm sportive project, according to the precandidato. "And this is a new demonstration that there is not sportive project in a moment key for the institution", said.

Font Wanted to highlight also how the operation goes to inflate more than the owed by the needs of the Barça to collect money. Also it left clear that the age (30 years) and the wage of Pjanic, that is of more than the double of what wins Arthur, is hurtful for the club, that already has a mass salarial too high. "The barter of Arthur by Pjanic is possibly valued above the price of market and increases the mass salarial and the amortizaciones to future with a new player that begins the last phase of his career", recognised.

The complaint of Font against Bartomeu

Finally, it urged to Bartomeu to explain which is the economic situation of the club in these moments of transparent form. Also it insisted in that the current directive always puts his interests above the ones of the club. "Once again they put by in front the interests of the one who governs to the ones of the institution. We continue urgiendo to the president Bartomeu that it explain of transparent form the economic situation of the club", finalised.

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