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Víctor Font announces that Ramon Cugat will be part of his candidature

Published:23/11/2020 - 21:53h

Updated:24/11/2020 - 01:37h

The precandidato to the presidency of the Barcelona, Víctor Font, has added to a new integral to his candidature, the doctor Ramón Cugat

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The presidential elections of the FC Barcelona approach and the precandidatos continue moving his index cards to arm a project that like to the barcelonismo. It is thus that Víctor Font has presented to the third member of his candidature, the prestigious doctor Ramón Cugat, the one who would form part of the Barcelona Managerial Board to occupy directly of the strategic decisions of the Barça in the medical appearance, in addition to integrating in the new area of psychology and behaviour.

Previously, Víctor Font had announced to Antoni Bassas like boss of the cabinet of the presidency and to Toni Nadal like part of the Managerial Board, in case that it win the elections. The Catalan employer has showed that it is the precandidato with more options, until the moment, and has presented different alternative so that the partners confien in a project that, according to him, will do to grow to the Barça to short and long term.

The project of Font bases , mainly, in the arrival of Xavi Hernández to the benches of the Camp Nou and the permanence of Leo Messi in the team by a few years more. However, the employer has left to see that it is taking in account all the appearances of the club and thus it has announced the integration of Ramón Cugat to his candidature. Font Has ensured that they want to that the recognised doctor "help us with his knowledge and his experience".

The precandidato has said that "in our model of Board look for talent that have experience and relation with the world of the sport", something that to Cugat does not be missing him. By his part, the doctor has expressed that the first that put in contact with him was Juli López, brother of Gerard, to explain him the plans of Font and after this, has remained delighted.

The doctor has recognised that it could not deny to be part of a project in which the main leading is a legend of the Barcelona. "It could not say that no to form part of a project with Xavi Hernández, his presence shows that this is a serious project", explained.

Font Speaks of the market of signings

On the other hand, taking advantage of the presentation of the new member of his candidature, Font referred to the wintry market of the Barcelona and signalled that "they are decisions of impact for the future of the club, wants to reduce the mass salarial in the short term, but in return to differ the payments for the future", said. Besides, it signalled that would have felt that "these decisions took it the new Board, no the Agent", puntualizó.

Once again, the precandidato has left clear that it was adherent that the elections carried out the sooner possible, already uqe can a big effect of face to the future. "We were adherents that the elections were the before possible and no to a week before the closing of the market. The staff already was descompensada and after the injuries some management from the club it will be necessary to do", signalled.


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