Diego Armando Maradona, honored in all the stadiums of the world


Insults and death threats against Dapena by not paying tribute to Maradona

Published:1/12/2020 - 10:58h

Updated:1/12/2020 - 10:58h

For Paula Dapena, what had been correct was to save a minute of silence to the women victims of violence of gender and no to Diego Armando Maradona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This weekend lived one of the most controversial moments in the homages to Diego Armando Maradona, when the footballer Paula Dapena, player of the Trips Interrías FF, decided to seat of backs to the public like form of protest during the minute of silence in memory to the ex forward albiceleste, before contesting the friendly party of his club against the Sportive Abanca.

Beyond all doubt that attitude to Diego lit the social networks with messages very pejorative against Dapena, as according to the footballer, a lot of users have smashed into she, with offensive comments and until in which they loom it of death. "The Thursday was the day of the elimination against the violence of gender and by a man maltratador recognised saved a minute of silence and no by the victims, so my feminist ideals did not allow me do him a homage to Maradona", explained Paula in an interview to a radial program Spanish.

Besides, it indicated that, in spite of being receiving constant offensive messages, from the privacy of his team has received samples of solidarity of part of all his mates. "In my club are all with me. I have received a lot of support in social networks and a lot of affection, but also have received death threats so much I like some mates of team. The social networks are like this: it is better to expect it that no not to scare you", expressed.

The reason of his act

"For me Maradona was a spectacular footballer, but like person left a lot that wish and for me it is necessary to have some values above the skills", continued the Spaniard when referring to the contantes extra problems futbolísticos that the 'Lint' had during his time like player.

Likewise, Dapena finalised indicating the reason of that performance, when manifesting that each sportsman has to be no only an example in his sport, but a person with values that allow him turn into a true model to be followed. "To be player, it is necessary to be first person and have some values further of the skills", sentenced the player.

In the Camp Nou himself surrendered tribute to Maradona


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