Martínez Munuera, viewing a replay through the VAR


CONTROVERSY: The creators of the VAR demand to stop using it

Published:21/11/2020 - 18:50h

Updated:21/11/2020 - 18:50h

Francisco López, Miguel Galán and Antonio Ibáñez, scientists that ensure to be the intellectual authors of the VAR, demand to the FIFA and to all the federations to stop using his invention

Calendar of FC Barcelona

At present the majority of the countries of the world already have implemented the use of the VAR (Video-Assistant Referee, by his acronyms in English) in his domestic leagues and in the international championships. Besides, this tool every time is using with greater frequency, but until the moment his contribution keeps on being very questioned, since the referee's errors follow being latent during the meetings.

However, in the present the controversy is not only by the way in which it is employing this technology, due to the fact that now several scientists are reporting that the FIFA stole his patents. The first in presenting formally a demand is Francisco López, the one who in the 2017 showed to the Spanish means that had registered his invention in 1999, under the name of "The Football of the 21st century".

Nevertheless, this Wednesday Miguel Ángel Galán, character that possesses the patent rights of the mark, thanks to a favourable resolution that received from the European Union, announced an agreement with Antonio Ibáñez of Alba, the one who ensures to be the intellectual author of said technological tool, the same that registered in 1995. So much López, Galán like Ibáñez tried in the past face up to him the FIFA, UEFA and RFEF, but at the end the two last decided to follow his together fight. In the meantime, Francisco López continues in his legal battle against the FIFA and the RFEF, as it affirms that these organisations have copied his invention.

Besides, Ibáñez and Galán demand the "immediate cessation of his use" in front of Mediapro, Hawk-Eye, FIFA, UEFA and RFEF, between other federations of football. These scientists have expressed that próximamente will have a meeting with the FIFA in which they will try to negotiate "a friendly solution and pactada for his use". Likewise, they indicated that any entity that use the VAR without his consent has to leave it to use immediately, and warned that any one that do not fulfil with the demanded will have to appear in front of the law, as they will impose civil or penal actions.

The VAR and his errors in LaLiga

On the other hand, in what it goes of LaLiga the VAR every time is winning more detractores, because of the constant evident errors that have committed the referees after reviewing some played punctual; an appearance that will have to improve , since this panorama finishes for breaking the aim whereby created said technological tool, achieve a greater "justice" in the football.

One of the clubs that more is suffering of these desaciertos is the group culé, as in more than an occasion said failures have prevented him to the team directed by Koeman achieve the victories: in the defeat 3-1 in front of the Madrid (penal non-existent to Sergio Bouquets when the party was empatado), and in the defeat in front of the Getafe 1-0 there were three very clear errors (lacking aparatosa of Cabaco to Pedri, codazo of Nyon to Messi and fault of Arambarri inside the area to Ansu).

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