Cristiano Ronaldo in the party of Portugal against Ireland


Cristiano Ronaldo makes history in the incredible traced back of Portugal

Published:1/09/2021 - 23:52h

Updated:2/09/2021 - 00:23h

The Portuguese attacker attained to annotate two goals that gave him the victory to his selection in front of an Ireland that was up in the marker by 1 goal during the half of the party

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although many say that Messi is the best of all there are not doubts that Cristiano Ronaldo keeps on being of the best footballers of the actuality. In his first party with Portugal, and since it announced his return to the Manchester United, this did gala of his disposition goleador when annotating a doublet of head to trace back the party that the Portuguese had with Ireland in the last 6 minutes (2-1).

As if this was not quite surprising, with this doublet the luso achieved a record to his long cerrera when surpassing to Ali Daei like footballer that but goals to achieved annotate to level of national selections. A record that speaks of the weight that leaves in clear the transcendental that has been the born forward in Funchal for the selection of his country.

Records in the Eurocopa

This is not the only record that the portugues has broken with his selection, During the past edition of the Eurocopa was recognised like the first footballer in participating in five Eurocopas different (2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020), Besides, attained to surpass the number of goals annotated by a goleador in said competition afterwards of the party of his selection in front of Hungary in which it annotated a doublet and accumulated 11 goals in total, surpassing asi the mark of Michel Platini (9),

Tambien Accumulated a total of 12 victories and like this surpassed the record that the ex Barcelona footballers Cesc Fàbrega and Andrés Iniesta (11) had in the tournament in question

The start of the appointment

Cristiano Ronaldo attracted the attention of all the world and did not defraud, although the party did not begin of the best way. It could have carried to Portugal advance in the marker shortly after the start of the appointment, but did not go like this. Bruno Fernandes was demolished by Hendrick in the area and to Christian arrived him an opportunity of gold to annotate of penalti, but the guardameta Irish, Gavin Bazunu, attained to trap his shot.

Although the course of the first-half dominated Portugal, although neither of form very clear and conclusive, the so much first and only so much of Ireland arrived by a kickoff of corner that John Egan cabeceó when it already was hour of the rest (45').

The second half

The míster of the Portuguese square, Fernando Santos, wanted a reaction and the team dumped to by her in account began the second half. And, if it did not arrive the tie before, was not because they have not looked for it. Cristiano seemed to see increasingly desconectado of the played of ending, the first in giving a serious warning was the Portuguese midfield player Bruno Fernandes, the tie also was looked for by Bernardi Silva, that left to escape an opportunity of gold.

The moment of the tie

However, any party can give by finishing until it decrees the end. When only they were missing six minutes so that it finished the party, Guedes put a centre and the now forward of the United achieved the tie with a head butt in the minute 89.

But the thing did not finish here, because the Portuguese wanted the second in spite of little time that remained over time almost finished, Cristiano emulated his jump and attained to annotate another goal of head to carry to his selection up in the marker (95') and bend to Ireland.

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