Riqui Puig, ex player of the FC Barcelona


He miss Barcelona! Riqui Puig would not be comfortable in Los Angeles

Published:18/01/2023 - 10:31h

Updated:18/01/2023 - 10:31h

New information ensures that Riqui Puig, former Barça soccer player, would not be entirely comfortable with his new lifestyle in Los Angeles due to the "lack of core"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Riqui Puig decided to split course to the Major League Soccer (MLS) the summer happened in search of the minutes that did not achieve in the FC Barcelona. To his 23 years, fichó by Los Angeles Galaxy until 2025 in an agreement that turned him into one of the most important contractings of the season, so much by renown like his quality on the terrains of game.

However, it seems that his daily life in American territory would not be of the all comfortable, at least for now. Like this it has it desvelado Rut Vilar of the program 'Tot Coast' of 'Catalonia Ràdio', the one who sustains that "Riqui Puig bores in Los Angeles" because of the differences that exist between this city and the one of Barcelona.

"Los Angeles and Miami are not pleasant cities to live. Everything is in car, there is not core. When you are accustomed to do a lot of city, as it is the case of Riqui, for example, is not the same to go you to New York that to Los Angeles or Miami", aimed the journalist. In fact, one of the facts that confirm this theory is the return of the midfield player to Catalonia during his holidays.

Holidays in Barcelona

The canterano surprised to many during the stop of the MLS when visiting to his ancient mates of team, as Gerard Hammered, with the one who shared during his new project of the Kings League. This stands out that the one of Matadepera odd the lifestyle that carried in Barcelona, something that, according to Rut Vilar, would not be comparable with the trajín of the day in day out in the coast North American west.