The surprising number of parties that accumulates Lautaro without marking


The surprising number of parties that accumulates Lautaro without marking with Inter

Published:9/11/2021 - 00:30h

Updated:9/11/2021 - 00:38h

Already it has happened more than a month since Lautaro annotated for the last time a goal with the T-shirt of the Inter. It was, casually, a penalti earned in front of the Sassuolo, in a party where the group 'nerazzurri' won by 2-1. In the derbi in front of the AC Milan failed a penal key and already chains until seven parties without marking in

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The 'Derby della Madonnina', between the Inter of Milán and the AC Milan, finished with a cold tie that denied to the 'rossoneri' situate like only leaders of the Series To, of Italy, afterwards of 12 days contested. However, the big opportunity to throw off balance the formality had it the directed by Simone Inzaghi in the legs of the Argentinian forward Lautaro Martínez, the one who went the attendant to earn a penal. At the end it has failed it and the criticisms already begin to lloverle with strength.

The ariete, the one who has been pretended from does a good time by the FC Barcelona among others teams of the European elite, hit him down and crusader, but to there pulled Ciprian Tatarusanu, the one who of big form cut across the penal that could be (and was not) the 2-1 partial. The most dramatic, is that they already are seven the parties that carries Lautaro without marking.

Already it has happened more than a month since Lautaro annotated for the last time a goal with the T-shirt of the Inter. It was, casually, a penalti earned in front of the Sassuolo, in a party where the group 'nerazzurri' won by 2-1. Instead, it has been able to celebrate dressing the colours of the Argentinian selection. The past 14 October his so much, in the minute 43, went the only in the duel in front of the Peruvians by the Eliminatory Suramericanas to the World-wide of Catar 2022.

The fault of tarpaulin of Lautaro is part of the cause that the Inter, with the 1-1 final, wasted a good opportunity to discount them to the Milan and to the Napoli, that have 32 points, against the 25 of the team of the Argentinian, the one who finished replaced by Alexis Sánchez to six minutes of the term of the commitment.

It expects more than Lautaro

On Lautaro the criticisms have not done expect. Especially, when it finish to sign a renewal until 2026 and has converted to the player in the best paid of the staff. Besides, the footballer, with his 17 goals and 10 assistances in the past course, was fundamental beside Romelu Lukaku, now player of Chelsea, for the conquest of the title in the Italian championship afterwards of a long command of the Juventus.

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