Ernesto Valverde gave his usual press conference


Ernesto Valverde happens list: Jordi Alba, Dembélé, Coutinho, Vidal...

Published:1/09/2018 - 18:03h

Updated:2/09/2018 - 21:13h

Ernesto Valverde offered the previous press conference to the corresponding party to the third day of LaLiga Santander 2018-19 and analysed several subjects of the Barcelona actuality. Especially the assessment of the closing of the market of signings

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona confronts to the Huesca this Sunday in the afternoon and Ernesto Valverde, as it already is usual, went out to the room of press to comment the previous of the crash. Nevertheless, an important subject during the appearance was the closing of the market of signings, especially in key of players that have remained but that had his future in the air.

Rafinha Was one of the names that commented: "No only he wants minutes, want them all. It is truth that this week have been speaking, at the end remains and this is the important. I think that it can help us, to see as they advance the parties, everything will depend of the performance that see in the trainings and the parties. Has good things that we can take advantage of".

Also it commented the situation of Sergi Samper, to the that has given him dorsal: "we Go to expect that it recover of the all of the injury and afterwards will see, the paper that mark his performance, have players in this demarcation, he comes of a special situation, goes out of a long injury, to see if we can recover it and can help us".

"Aleñá Has a dorsal that can play with the filial so that have shooting, but is player of the first team"

Also it touched to speak of quarry, although without leaving clear the role that can have in the team: "The time and his performance will mark the paper of Riqui Puig and Miranda. Have illusion that have an important role. His case is distinct to the of Aleñá, has a dorsal that can play with the B, so that have shooting, but is player of the first team".

On the absence of Jordi Alba in the selection did not want to wet too much: "it is not a question for me. The seleccionador does the list, do not know if in the future it is Alba. The same that it does not like me that other trainers question my lists or my alignments, I have more information that anybody of my team and of what want, the seleccionador does the same".

Valverde Commented the good received that has had Arturo Vidal in the changing room: "Arturo Vidal has gone in very well in the group, relates well with all, is extrovertido, always wants to participate, always is speaking, in this sense are very happy. Afterwards it will go going in in the team in the field".

Dembélé And Coutinho also were two names that appeared in room of press: "All need continuity, no only Dembélé. Always we have said that has an incredible talent, is working well and want to that have continuity. We are happy by how is acting. Coutinho Has acted in the two positions, half and up, many times. It can play in any one of the two and will do it this year in the two".

The party in front of the Huesca

Ernesto Valverde showed careful when analysing to the Huesca: "it Arrives imbatido and has played in two demanding fields like Ipurúa and Saint Mamés. It has played well, intense, has leading that move well, means that arrive from second line and go to come here to play it. They go to come without fear, to plant face, without renouncing to the surprise. We have to have care, have some recent experience with recently risen".

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