Arthur and Pjanic, players of Barça and Juve


Arthur or Pjanic? Barcelonismo makes its opinion clear

Published:28/06/2020 - 13:42h

Updated:29/06/2020 - 02:21h

The FC Barcelona and the Juventus of Turín are to a step to close the change of chromiums between Arthur Melo and Miralem Pjanic. Something that to the barcelonismo does not seem to like him

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is very near to close with the Juventus of Turín an exchange of players: the one who will carry to Miralem Pjanic to dress of Barcelona and to Arthur Melo to dress of 'bianconero'. The culés will pay 60 million euros to the 'Vecchia Signora' by the bosnio, whereas the Italians will credit some 70 by the mediocentro Brazilian. An operation that will help to both clubs to square his balances before the closing of the present economic exercise.

From 'FCBN' wanted to know the opinion of our readers about this operation to know if they agree with the barter or if they consider that it does not treat of a good operation for the club. "It hits the Barça traspasando to Arthur by Pjanic?" It was the question that launch to know the tendency of the barcelonismo. A tendency that remained quite clear.

A 67 percent of the respondents considers that the Barça is committing an error with this operation, whereas only a 19 percent considers that Arthur has not surrendered as it expected and that the exchange is good. The 14 percent remaining thinks that to sell to the Brazilian is a movement hit, but do not agree with that the one who arrives was Pjanic.

Pjanic, a signing infravalorado

In general lines, the barcelonismo is showing very critical with the operation that the Barça is near to close. The main argument for this is that Arthur Melo is 23 years old (fulfils 24 in August) and has a lot of margin of improvement by in front, whereas Miralem Pjanic fulfilled 30 in April and will have less time by in front to explode his talent.

But we have to see it everything with perspective. Arthur carries two years in the Barça and has not had continuity, already was by the injuries or because his performance has not stood out. Neither with Ernesto Valverde neither with Quique Setién has achieved to be usual headline, partly because it never has achieved to adapt to the diagram culé. It is too feeble defensivamente playing in the position of Busquets and too conservative in the pass to do it more advanced, as inner. The game of the Juventus will adapt much better to the qualities of the Brazilian.

Instead, the Barça will incorporate to a todoterreno like Pjanic: reliable in the circulation of balloon, brilliant in the association, intelligent to recover balloons, formidable far fencer and an ace to unemployed balloon. It can play like mediocentro or of interior without problems, and always has been indisputable headline in all his teams. It is 30 years old, yes, but still they remain him varied to a big level,whereas Arthur still has to show if it can be important in a team to the highest level.

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