Arthur Melo, posing beside Robert Fernández with the T-shirt of the Barça


Arthur travels to Turin to sign with Juventus ... together with Robert Fernández!

Published:28/06/2020 - 08:35h

Updated:28/06/2020 - 12:47h

Arthur Melo travelled to Turín to sign with the Juventus accompanied of his father, his brother and Robert Fernández, ex technical secretary of the FC Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

From it does months, FC Barcelona and Juventus of Turín work in a conjoint operation that involved an exchange of players: Miralem Pjanic will arrive to the Camp Nou and Arthur Melo will do it to the team 'bianconero'. The Brazilian, that this Saturday played some minutes in the party that the Barcelona played in Balaídos against the Celtic , travelled directly of Vigo to Turín to close his signing by the 'Vecchia Signora'.

The Brazilian midfield player travelled to the city piamontesa beside his people of confidence. They were with him his lawyer, Vicente Forés, his father, Aílton, and his brother Paulo Henrique. Besides, beside them also it travelled Robert Fernández, ex technical secretary of the FC Barcelona that it was the big valedor of his arrival to the Camp Nou does a pair of years and with the one who follows having a big friendship.

This Sunday, Arthur Melo will happen the pertinent medical recognition with the Juventus to be able to sign his new agreement, that will have a length of five seasons and will allow him triplicar the wage that earned in the FC Barcelona. A big economic proposal that has been key to change the initial idea of the goiano, that was not another that the one of not changing of airs.

Besides, Arthur knows that his signing by the Juventus is a request expresses of Maurizio Sarri, trainer of the Vecchia Signora. The Italian sees him like one of the central pieces of his new sportive project, and is thus that accessed to leave leave to Pjanic if it was the '8' Barcelona the one who arrived to replace him. It expects that in Turín the goiano himself achieve to be indisputable, something that did not attain in the Camp Nou.

Like this the things, Arthur will lose the session of training matinal that Quique Setién had planned for this Sunday to the 10:00 hours. Nevertheless, the Brazilian will go back to Barcelona this same Sunday to be able to prepare from the Monday the party that will confront to the Barcelona group against the Athletic of Madrid, in which the culés are forced to win for no descolgarse of his options of title.

Pjanic Will not follow the same way

In spite of the informations that circulated by several media during the Saturday, Pjanic will not travel this Sunday to Barcelona to subject to the medical proofs. The midfield player bosnio will remain in Turín to prepare the party of the group piamontés, that will measure next Tuesday to the Genoa. The announcement of both signings​ will do this Sunday or, as very late, the Monday.

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