Rafinha Alcántara in a training of the FC Barcelona | FCB


Rafinha Kids with his injury and shares a video "learning to walk"

Published:20/12/2018 - 16:18h

Updated:20/12/2018 - 16:18h

It does some weeks that received again a very hard hit, but Rafinha Alcántara does not lose the illusion and already works to go back to play. The player of the FC Barcelona has begun the rehabilitation after his operation of knee, and has shared a video on the process

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The season 2018-19 goes on and the obligations of the FC Barcelona do not brake, although some footballers have seen forced to take them calmly. The injuries have turned into an important enemy of the Catalans in what it goes of campaign, and between the 'touched' there is a player that, unfortunately, already has experience in processes of long length.

Some weeks after having broken the ligament crossed previous of the left knee and have gone through the operating theatre, Rafinha Alcántara has begun his rehabilitation, a way that will visit along the next months and that has like objective give him back to the terrains of game, as he same warns, with more strength that never.

It will be roughly half year the time that the one of Sao Paulo will have to happen section until recovering to 100%, and in front of an uncomfortable and durable situation, the youngster has decided to answer taking it with philosophy. This is the third occasion in which it confronts to a mishap of these characteristics, and knows to spare that sink does not go him to serve of at all.

That's why the midfield player has opted for repeating habits that were him useful does some years, when the gymnasium and the fisioterapeutas turned into his usual allies. The mental factor is key in the work for his recovery, and the fortress of the canterano is a guarantee that it will go out forward in another moment of difficulty.

For the moment, as it already did in past courses, has gone back to share news with his followers, publishing a video of his exercises even being still with crutches. "Step by step. Learning to walk", has accompanied, with an emoticono of guffaws doing reference to a so basic appearance. Any advance goes to be decisive.

See this publication in Instagram

Step by step. Learning to walk?

A publication shared of Rafinha Alcantara (@rafinhaaa93) the20 Dic, 2018 to the 3:11 PST

Rafinha Has to recover and decide on his future 

Although it still is prompt to advance events, Rafinha has to recover and look to the future, that offers him a traspaso or a renewal with the Barça. The youngster finish agreement in 2020 and has been in the market in the last months, although finally it has won the confidence of Ernesto Valverde and has had an important participation before falling lesionado. Once in shape, it will touch to decide if it wants to go back to struggle by the minutes or play more in some another team, although all will value in his owed moment. Now it touches to go step by step.

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