Arthur Melo, during a match against the Celta of Vigo


The reasons that push to the Barça to transfer Arthur, the 'new Xavi'

Published:26/06/2020 - 09:39h

Updated:29/06/2020 - 08:22h

Everything seems to indicate that Arthur Melo will leave the FC Barcelona in question of hours or days, after two years in which has not achieved to strengthen in the titularity

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona paid 31 fixed millions and nine more in variables by the signing of Arthur Melo two years ago, and after 71 parties played dressing the elastic Barcelona, the majority of them being substituted, the Brazilian can go leaving an aftertaste agridulce in the barcelonismo. To be the big bet of the club and the 'heir of Xavi Hernández', runs the risk to go out by the rear door for ingresar money and allow the arrival of another 'crack'.

If Arthur Melo had taken advantage of better these last two years, can that the denouement had been distinct. And it is that it does not be necessary to forget that the crisis of the coronavirus has done mella in the income of the club, and that the FC Barcelona needs to sell to some footballer for like this balance the economic balance of this year 2020. However, the reasons of the exit of Arthur are more sportive that financial.

To his 23 years, the one of Goiania has left lights and shadows when it has touched him dress of short in the medullary Barcelona. Although it is true that has showed his technical capacities and a level futbolístico chord to the style of game culé, with a vision of the football, precision and worthy virtuosity of the T-shirt that saw, equally truth is that no the lucido these qualities with regularity on the lawn.

This, in fact, has been the main shadow of Arthur. It was by the injuries, by the fault of confidence of Valverde and Setién or because in some moments has not been all the centred that it had to be, the ex of Grémio has not achieved to be regulate and this has prevented him strengthen in a titularity that many demanded for him, can that of form something unfair.

Because Arthur Melo, remember, has not been able practically to finish any of the parties that has played with the Barça. In the majority has finish being substituted, in a lot of occasions by some physical characteristics that did not allow him offer the same level of performance from the minute 1 to the 90. This fault of consistency has allowed that other players like Arturo Vidal, Rakitic or Sergi Roberto, in occasions, steal him the place in the eleven headline of the Barça like companions of Busquets and Of Jong.

Nine injuries in two years in the Barça

Simultaneously, since it arrived to the Barça has suffered at all less than nine distinct injuries, standing out above the rest the problems in the pubis that forced him to remain of drop a month and half to finals of 2019 and principles of this year 2020, a period in which it lost seven parties. The another injury of gravity was in February of 2019, when a problem in the thigh kept him almost three weeks out of fight.

Arthur Melo, in definite, is a prodigio technical that still has to evolve in the physical and the mental to turn into one of the best of the world in his place. It could have developed more in the FC Barcelona, but seems that it will not be like this. And, if finally there is barter with Pjanic, the team culé will do with a player seven greater years, yes, but also much more fact futbolísticamente speaking.

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