Arthur Melo in a party with the FC Barcelona


The figures and details of the operation Arthur-Pjanic

Published:25/06/2020 - 21:23h

Updated:29/06/2020 - 08:25h

The barter between Miralem Pjanic and Arthur Melo has already entered its final stretch and in the next few hours it could have an outcome. These are all the figures of this operation that will end the Bosnian in Barcelona and the Brazilian in Turin

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does a pair of weeks seemed that it had closed the option that Arthur Melo finish in the Juventus in return of Miralem Pjanic. The Brazilian had refused to the juventinos many times and everything indicated that in Turín went to forget of him before or afterwards. But these last days all has changed and the barter has reactivated completely. The ex of Guild now yes is by the work to leave of the Camp Nou and the club is exasperated for closing his exit what before.

it is speaking A lot of this operation and several sources indicate that it could be official in brief. The agreement between clubs is total and is saying that Arthur also would have accepted already the proposal bianconera to give his seen well. In the case of Pjanic, the bosnio gave his "himself" to the Barça does enough, by what would not be odd that all confirmed this Friday or during the weekend. Nevertheless, several sources have ensured that the traspaso will not consummate until it finalise the campaign, including the Champions League of August.

All the sportive means coincide more or less in the figures of this curious exchange, that will not be a barter to peel. In 'The BE' and other means of Italy affirm that the bosnio will cost him to the Barcelona 70 millions, whereas the Juve will pay by the one of Goiana 80. This would do like this because the culés need income to square his accounts. The normal would be a change of simple chromiums, adding 10 'kilos' by the greater value of Melo, but the end is the same.

Nevertheless, in 'Wave Zero', 'Sportive World' and other means of Italy ensure that the figures would be something inferior, specifically 10 millions. In this case, the Balkan would cost 60 and the international 'canarinho' 70. Whatever happens, the juventinos would follow paying 10 'kilos' more than the Barcelona, by what at all would change in this sense. What yes changes enough according to the half that say it is the wage that embolsará the still blaugrana in Turín.

In 'MD' comment that the Juventus has offered him some 7 millions to the year of wage, bending him of this form what is winning in the City Condal. The ex of Guild wanted to more, but when seeing that they did not go to go up from here would have accepted the proposal. Nevertheless, in other means like the 'Sport' or 'Wave Zero' signal that this offer is something inferior. In this sense, aim that the '8' of the Barcelona would earn 5,5 'kilos' in the Calcium.

Pjanic Would keep his wage in the Barça

Also they have explained in the mentioned chain of Spanish radio how much will win Pjanic in the Barça. The bosnio would keep his wage of the Juventus in the Camp Nou and embolsaría 7 millions and half to the year. The culés wanted to reduce mass salarial as it was to struggle against the coronavirus, but in this case will go up it enough. There is not at all confirmed, but everything indicates that these will be the approximate figures of this imminent operation.

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