Valdés refuses to a goalkeeper for being youtuber


The curious reason by which Valdés would have refused to a goalkeeper

Published:26/02/2021 - 13:17h

Updated:26/02/2021 - 13:17h

Víctor Valdés sugiró to Kolderiu abandon the channel of YouTube to form part of his project in the Horta. The goalkeeper decided to do it, but for then the trainer already had it descartado

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The social networks can be an important vitrina for the cazatalentos in the football. However, also play against of some players, as in the case of Carles Santaló, known like Kolderiu, the one who alleged to have been refused for being youtuber by part of the ancient guardametas of the FC Barcelona, and ex trainer of the Horta, Víctor Valdés.

It treats of one of the youtubers devoted to the most popular video games in Spain. At present, it has more than one million and half of subscribers and has been goalkeeper in the quarry of the Espanyol. Likewise, it has gone through teams of Second B, like the Granollers, Horta or Llagostera. His index card is property of the Dux International of Madrid, but finds yielded to the Union Adarve.

Recently, it has suffered problems of health that have kept it three weeks of drop. Taking advantage of the inactivity, went up a video in which it relates his anecdote with Valdés during the summer happened after coinciding with him in the Horta. In principle, it admitted that the fact to have to his idol like trainer motivated it to send his reports, until it received the call of the trainer.

Kolderiu, refused for being youtuber

In principle, it thought that it treated of a prank of any of his subscribers. But afterwards it understood that in effect it was Valdés, and communicated him that it had seen his videos: "I was very happy but afterwards went out the subject of YouTube. I explain him that it went up my videos of football and did summaries of the parties, explaining because it did a decision or the another".

However, the subject did not seem to be of the like of the trainer, that urged him to abandon the channel to be part of the team, and suggested him think the idea by a weekend. In such sense, decided to leave to go up videos to incorporate to the staff. But then, Valdés answered him that it already had been descartado: "Literally it refused me for being youtuber".

The young goalkeeper expressed that it felt annoyance by not being warned to time, something that he had understood perfectly after the comment of the technician, the one who ensured him that devote to go up content in YouTube was not him giving opportunities, rather was them to him removing. Later, Valdés abandoned the club and Kolderiu could incorporate to his current team.

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