Ernesto Valverde in a party of the FC Barcelona


The infirmary of the Barcelona collapses : Until six players lesionados

Published:25/11/2018 - 11:00h

Updated:26/11/2018 - 15:02h

It knew that it went to be a demanding season after the dispute of the World-wide, but to the FC Barcelona is not him accompanying the fortune. The carousel of injuries of the last weeks has caused several headaches to the culés, that have to six players of drop

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There are a lot of factors that take part and can not control all, and of course the fortune is not accompanying to the FC Barcelona with the injuriesIn what it goes of course have fallen all type of pieces of the plans of Ernesto Valverde, and again, so many important footballers like others with a more secondary paper go back to fatten an infirmary that does not have hardly break.

With the turn of two referents like Leo Messi and Samuel Umtiti have not finish the discontents, because if the 'virus FIFA' already gave a hit in the last stop of selections, the return of LaLiga has asestado two more. Neither Ivan Rakitic, neither Sergi Roberto, neither Rafinha Alcántara will be available during a time, and in case the battle by the titles was not already sufficiently complicated, this circumstance adds him even more difficulty.

Luckily, the staff is qualified to face up to this type of obstacles, and it will be necessary to join and give it everything to follow throwing to forward. They are six players those that for the time being are of drop in the Camp Nou, although thinking in positive, already remains a day less so that all they receive the high and retell for the technician.

The six players lesionados of the Barça

Philippe Coutinho

The Brazilian fell after the party against the Inter of Milan and although it already has surpassed his muscular problems in the left leg, Ernesto Valverde did not want to risk and left him went against the Athletic. Seen the advances in what it goes of course, appreciates the patience of the extremeño to avoid more setbacks, and the forecasts aim to that the carioca would be smart for the visit of Champions to the PSV Eindhoven. 

Thomas Vermaelen

The Belgian 'broke' again in a meeting of his selection in the stop of October, and diagnosed him around six weeks of drop. The account fulfils in the start of the month of December, but in his case, if his feelings are not 100% positive, is used to give something more than margin to avoid more discontents. As it is used to to say the Barça, his evolution will mark his availability, although the comeback of Umtiti has recessed the urgencies.

Sergi Samper

If Vermaelen is 'of glass', the canterano has taken the relief, because after several months recovering of a problem of ankle, a break in the sóleo prevented him complete the one who was his first commitment in long. Already it fell in the pre-season and now is again in the dry dam, in which it will keep also until the start of the next month of December.

Ivan Rakitic

In the international stop of November was the Croat the one who lesionó, with a problem that could separate him between two and three weeks. The ex of the Seville had in mind recortar terms to be available what before, but the doctors have asked him patience and there are two dates that could dictate his returnThe first week of December can be key to see him again in action.

Sergi Roberto

It was one of the drops sounded of the duel against the Athletic, and will be between three and four weeks of drop. Given the calendar of the culés and the commitments that remain, the normal would be to expect until the entrance of the year 2019, although in function of his feelings will value as it advances another muscular break.

Rafinha Alcántara

The Brazilian also fell in Wanda Metropolitan and will have to go through the operating theatre, what would leave him went for the rest of the season. It is not having luck with his knees and already are three grave injuries in hardly three years, although if somebody can go out forward is he, that has developed a mental strength that will allow him go back with energies renewed.

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