Arthur and Leo Messi, embracing after a goal this season 2019-20


What said Messi about Arthur and now stirs up to the barcelonism

Published:26/06/2020 - 09:11h

Updated:29/06/2020 - 08:23h

Two years ago, when Arthur Melo landed in the FC Barcelona, Leo Messi confessed in some statements that was surprised by his quality and how much he resembles Xavi Hernández

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Since it landed in the FC Barcelona does already two years, at the beginning of July of 2018, Arthur Melo did not take at all in winning the affection and the praises no only of the majority of fans culés, but also of his own mates of team. It marked a golazo from out of the area in pre-season and, when it touched him play, showed in each party that was a prodigio to the hour to protect and distribute the balloon in the centre of the field.

The comparisons with Xavi Hernández came alone, and were boosted even by Leo Messi. In an interview conceded to 'Catalonia Ràdio' shortly after the arrival of Arthur Melo, the 'crack' Argentinian ensured that the Brazilian was the player that more had surprised him of all the new faces of this summer, by his big technical conditions and the a lot of that remembered him to the of Terrassa.

"They are all very good, but if I have to say one remain me with Arthur", aseveró the rosarino, explaining afterwards his decision. "It surprised me, the truth is that it did not know him a lot and, saving the similarities and comparisons, is truth that is very seemed to the style of game of Xavi: the one to want to always the ball, to play cortito, the not to lose it...", it valued Messi.

In fact, this last is what more liked him of Arthur when it landed in the Camp Nou. The fact to having found to a new partner to keep the possession of balloon and trust his criterion. "It is a very reliable player", said Messi, "know that you give it to him and does not go it to lose". "The truth is that it surprised me, although already I say you that they liked me all the signings that did the club this summer", added the '10'.

Two years of stray opportunities for Arthur

Well, hardly two years after these statements, the FC Barcelona is to a step of traspasar to the 'heir of Xavi' to the Juventus of Turín. How it will seat this to Messi? And to the rest of heavy weights of the staff? It was as it was, the reality is that in these last two years Arthur Melo has left lights, but also shadows in shape of injuries and irregularity.

If it finish going out traspasado in the next days, something that every time seems more likely, sure that Leo Messi and the rest of 'cracks' of the group barcelonista will understand that it treats of gajes of the job, that has not surpassed the proof and that it can that the one who arrive to substitute him, in this case Miralem Pjanic, yes achieve to strengthen in the eleven headline without so many problems. Or at least, that is the idea.

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