Dani Carvajal en el Barcelona   Real Madrid de pretemporada


Shameful statements by Carvajal on the affair between Jenni Hermoso and Rubiales

Published:6/09/2023 - 14:41h

Updated:6/09/2023 - 14:47h

Dani Carvajal, captain of the Spanish national team, went on the program 'Radioestadio Noche'. There he referred to the statement issued by the players in relation to the Rubiales case, where they did not mention Jenni Hermoso, whom he does not consider a victim

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The case Rubiales has given the turn to the world and in this occasion were the players of the selection those who issued a conjoint communiqué regretting it sucedido in the final of the World-wide feminine. Precisely one of his captains, Dani Carvajal, referred to the subject when going through the microphones of the program 'Radioestadio Night'. "Only each one expresses his opinions, and I am more reserved and do not express mine. I do not think that the footballer that have not pronounced in this regard it was something bad. At the end, each one can decide, think, do what creates convenient."

It did a lot emphasis in that the performance of Luis Rubiales is entirely mistaken, that his gestures are out of place and this wanted to leave it very clear with the official pronouncement of the players that form part of the concentration. The men's team finds concentrated to contest the parties clasificatorios for the Eurocopa in front of Georgia and Cyprus. The Red is in the obligation to add the three points, since only it has added 3 points.

In the interview, Carvajal insisted in his posture to keep "to the margin" and expect to that "the estamentos legal" decide. In accordance with the player, is not possible to determine if Jenni is or no victim, since this is a decision that have to take the corresponding authorities. Especially because, in his opinion, the Beautiful player still has not presented a formal complaint. For the moment, inside the RFEF have taken decisions like doing without Jorge Vilda and the FIFA suspended to Rubiales until the month of November.

Jorge Vilda is destituido of his charge like trainer

After several days of negotiations, this Tuesday in the afternoon did official the dismissal of Jorge Vilda. In spite of the victory in the World-wide feminine the past 20 August, his narrow relation with the now inhabilitado president of the RFEF, Luis Rubiales, personificada in the applauses that offered him the day of the Federative Assembly, happened him bill. This is not everything, fits to highlight that it does some months produced the public protest of the '15', where the footballers showed his discomfort with some methods of the trainer, added to his participation in the pressures to Jenni Beautiful and his surroundings so that this appeared in the video of apology of Rubiales.

The selection has new trainer, treats of Montse Tomé, the one who has worked of the hand of Vilda during a lot of years. Never before Montse Tomé had exerted the role of first trainer, being this one of his big challenges. With this nomination, the RFEF follows a line continuista, incorporating to the charge to a person of confidence, connoisseur of the federative system, of his methodology and of the players.

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