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Italian Federation blocks Super League for Serie A clubs

Published:29/12/2023 - 10:36h

Updated:29/12/2023 - 14:01h

The economic problems of the Italian football have moved away to varied of his clubs of the elite of Europe during a lot of years, but still like this his Federation seems to have clear that the Superliga will not solve his current situation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Superliga has gone back to be a subject of debate in the last days after the sentence of the Court of Justice of the European Union that established an abuse of dominant position by part of the UEFA and the FIFA. A decision that reavivó the plans of the compañia promoter To22, that did not lose the time and presented immediately his project for an alternative competition to the continental to level of clubs.

The general director of To22, Bernd Reichart, has explained in several opportunities that exists a big interest of a lot of clubs by the possible new competitions. But also the leagues and national federations inevitably took split against the Superliga, included the Italian Federation (FIGC), that reiterated his no to the novelty and his posture to "protect the national championships", sustained his president in that moment.

In Italy have clear like forcing to his clubs

Few afterwards, and during the Federal Council, the Federation of Italian Football, ​​as it is usual, approved unanimously the new system of National Licence 2024-2025. Of the document, as it explains now 'Calcium and Finance', gives off the date in which the clubs will have to present the application of admission to the next edition of the Series To, combined with the commitment of not participating in distinct competitions to the organised by the FIFA, the UEFA and FIGC.

In other words it treats of a clause anti-Superliga, whose approval traces back to 2021, in the moment of the first attempt to set up the new project, and that earns importance now that the project has gone back to take form after the sentence of the Court of the EU. However, in this moment seems decididamente complicated imagine that new tournaments can begin during the next two or three seasons.

Official text of the document

"The clubs will have to, before the peremptory term of 4 June 2024, fulfil with the following requirement: deposit the application of admission to the Championship of the Series To 2024/2025 in Bequeaths it Nazionale Professionisti Series To, also by email certified, that contain the application of granting of the National Licence and the commitment of not participating in competitions organised by associations deprived no recognised by the FIFA, the UEFA and the FIGC. The incumplimiento of the peremptory term of 4 June 2024, even with reference to an alone of the obligations established in the previous paragraphs I), II), III), V) and SAW) for the participation in the corresponding Professional Championship, determines the fault of otorgamiento of the National Licence 2024/2025".