Net in a friendly with the Barça


Barça renounces to make cash with Neto and is satisfied with getting rid of his wage

Published:4/08/2021 - 11:09h

Updated:4/08/2021 - 11:09h

Neto Murara is one of the FC Barcelona players who could leave the club this summer. The Brazilian has a market in the Premier, where Arsenal is very attentive to him, but his departure does not seem close

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Everything aims to that Net Walled will not be still in the FC Barcelona​ the next campaign. In the club have very clear that can not follow and have not changed of posture in spite of the injury of Marc-André ter Stegen. So much the Brazilian like the entity agree in that the best is that it go out, and in principle, the idea is that the ex of Valencia leave before it close this market of signings veraniego.

It fits to say that the Barça has to amortise some 13 million euros of his signing, by what if it sells him by less there will be losses. The problem is that anybody wants to pay so much money by a guardameta that carries two campaigns almost without playing, by what in the entity seem to have renounced to do box by him. Anybody wants to pay for fichar to the guardameta, by what the Catalans conform with removing his index card of on.

As they aim from 'Sportive World', the wage of the put is in the half scale of the staff, by what wins too much to be an acting usual. Precisely this wage is what is complicating his exit, already was in shape of cession, available by a symbolic price or by means of the letter of freedom. Anybody seems had to keep him the index card that has in Barcelona and like this is difficult to find him destination.

Seemingly, the Arsenal keeps on being the most interested in Net to day of today. The 'gunners' already were near of ficharle in January and still take him into account like alternative to Leno. Then, the goalkeeper asked to the Barça leave to play and have minutes of form more regular, but in the entity closed him the door. The Catalans did not want to remain without put acting to half of campaign and refused the possibility that it went , postponing it for this summer.

Now, the goalkeeper follows wanting to go out in search of minutes and opportunities that will not have in the Camp Nou, and this time the club yes is by the work to facilitate him the exit. In addition to the Arsenal, in the group barcelonista glide the interest of more teams, although they exclude of this list of 'girlfriends' to the Villarreal. it is speaking That the 'groguets' are slopes of the Brazilian, although from the City Condal would not know at all of this.

The Barça has to solve the future of Net

But it finish where finish, the reality is that the Barcelona and Net have to give an exit what before. He is one of the a lot of pending subjects that have the culés, although it seems that the goalkeeper goes to have to put of his part so that the operation go out advance. It can that the ex of Valencia have to recess the index card to find destination, since for now it has not had luck.

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