Josep Maria Bartomeu in an act of the FC Barcelona


Bartomeu warns but leaves the future in the hands of Neymar

Published:28/07/2017 - 00:05h

Updated:28/07/2017 - 01:27h

To day of today anybody knows what goes to happen with Neymar, but in the Barça do not think to surrender with a player to the that consider the best. Like this it has it it has warned Josep Maria Bartomeu, that in spite of all has recognised that the future is in hands of the Brazilian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Although they already remain few days so that it do official his decision, the FC Barcelona does not want to surrender with Neymar. In the Barcelona club have tried it of all the ways to ensure the continuity of the player, but to day of today, the final election still has not revealed to the public. 

In the meantime, who has gone back to review the situation of the Brazilian has been Josep Maria Bartomeu, that has commented in "The New York Times" his impressions with regard to the case. The leader has showed cutting, but even so it has recognised that everything is in hands of the crack.

"Neymar Is one of our best players and do not want to lose to this player. We want that it follow, that follow with us and still has four years of agreement, so there is not at all more than saying", has aimed, before confessing that "the players decide if they want to go, they can decide, but regarding the Barça, want it and need it. Because if we want to win, we need to the best possible players".

Extraneous to everything

Although in the FC Barcelona his continuity is the main subject of the summer, Neymar seems extraneous to all the tension that surrounds him. The forward has arrived in full form of his holidays and this surrendering to a big level, that has carried him to turn into the pichichi of the pre-season with three goals in two parties.

To the of Sao Paulo also has seen him very comfortable in the trainings, kidding with his mates and without any sample of restlessness, something that yes has been able to see in his meetings with the Barcelona leaders, that have tried to convince him during the last days that his best option is to remain in LaLiga.

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