Dybala, celebrating a marked goal with the Juventus


Dybala Reveals the club in which it wants to play in the future

Published:20/05/2016 - 09:20h

Updated:2/06/2016 - 16:39h

The big star of the Juventus of Turín in the forward, Paulo Dybala, is happy in the group "bianconeri" and does not pose a change of airs in the short term. The Argentinian tip is being followed closely by FC Barcelona and Real Madrid

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The prodigious attacker Argentinian of the Juventus of Turín, Paulo Dybala, seems to have very clear that will not abandon easily the Juventus of Turín, the club that bet by him the past summer crediting to the Palermo 32 million euros to do with his signing, and that has yielded him the titularity during all the present season in the club "bianconeri".

Dybala Has surrendered to a big level this season and his goals have called the attention of some big clubs of Europe, like FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. In fact, it does few days spoke that the Real Madrid planned to carry out an offer of more than 70 million euros to do with the signing of the Argentinian tip, something that the same Dybala commissioned to deny in an interview.

"I am very to taste in the Juventus, and do not think to move me. My future is here". These were his words during the "Average Day" previous to the final of the Glass of Italy against the AC Milan, ensuring that the only in what it thinks to day of today is in "improving each day and treat to achieve the best for this club", and no in doing the cases of the group transalpino.

The Juventus has conquered this campaign his fifth "Scudetto" consecutive, and Dybala will try to help to the maximum to his team to win also the final of the Glass of Italy against the AC Milan. "We know that it does not go to be easy. Although the Milan was not very well, is the Milan and have to respect to the rival", signalled the attacker.

In the case to leave some day of the Juventus of Turín, besides, Paulo Dybala would fit more in the FC Barcelona that in the Real Madrid, carrying to perfection with Leo Messi, Luis Suárez and/or Neymar Jr in the tip of attack, being the three sudamericanos like him. Besides, Dybala already has left clear in more than an occasion the a lot of that would like him share changing room with Leo Messi.

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