Paulo Dybala celebrates a goal with the Juve


Dybala wants to form a duo with Leo Messi at PSG

Published:23/03/2022 - 02:15h

Updated:23/03/2022 - 02:22h

Paulo Dybala ends his contract with Juventus on June 30 and everything indicates that he will not renew with the 'Vecchia Signora'. According to 'Foot Mercato', the forward would be in the orbit of Paris Saint-Germain

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Seven years after his arrival to Turín, the cycle of Paulo Dybala in the Juventus seems to come to an end. To his 28 years, the Argentinian seems to have taken the decision to abandon the Allianz Stadium, field in where it shined between 2012 and 2018, mainly, since in the last four seasons his star in the 'Juve' went turning off, mainly after the pandemia of the Covid-19.

Dybala Will obtain his letter of freedom the next 30 June and, as it advances the portal 'Foot Mercato', Paris Saint-Germain could be his club from the season 2021-22. The French look for to renew his forward in summer after the imminent game of Kylian Mbappé and the toneless contribution of players like Neymar Jr. And Mauro Icardi, by which the incoporación to 'cost zero' of the of Long Lagoon would be an excellent alternative.

Besides, the presence of Leo Messi would motivate to Paulo to leave to Paris, although in the Argentinian selection have not shined too much when it touched them play together. The PSG already tried ficharle in 2019, but the Juventus asked too money by 'The Jewel'. In spite of not being indisputable headline, Massimiliano Allegri still considers him an important piece in the group 'bianconero', but the '10' seems determined to leave .

In the 2021-22, Dybala has contested a total of 29 parties, in which it has annotated 13 goals and delivered 6 assistances. His best season in Italy was the 2017-18, in which it annotated 26 goals in 46 parties. His go through the 'Juve' translates in 113 so many in 283 aparciones, with five titles of the Series To and four of the Glass Italy, in addition to three Supercopas Italian. In 2017 it was runner-up of the Champions, falling in front of the Real Madrid in Cardiff (1-4).

The Athletic of Madrid also interests in Dybala

In addition to the PSG, other clubs have consulted to the entrono of the player, between them the AC Milan and the Inter, that would be had to pay him 7 million euros by season. In England, Antonio Conte would want to carry it to the Tottenham, while in Spain the Athletic of Madrid also has interested in the Argentinian. "Dybala Is a big player, but is in the Juventus for the moment. Can interest us, or no. Already we will see, of here to August is very long the subject", said Enrique Cerezo, president 'rojiblanco', the one who did not hide his interest by the delanter, but denied any negotiation to these heights of the season.

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